Sunday, November 18, 2007

been tagged...

Talented and Gifted...or just Tag
I have been tagged by a couple of people so I thought I would give it a try, especially because I don't have anything else to post.

5 Things I was doing 10 years ago:
1. I was going to school at Lane Community College, and hating it.
2. I was trying to figure out what I was going to do with my life since I had graduated and I had been planning on moving to Utah and ended up not doing it because of health issues.
3. Just hanging out with my friends.
4. Working at Hallmark at the Valley River Center.
5. I was taking Institute Classes and going to the singles Ward.

5 Things on my to-do list today (Tomorrow):
1. Go to the bank
2. Clean my house
3. Do the dishes
4. Work on scrapbooking
5. Do some grocery shopping

5 Foods I enjoy:
1. I love chocolate, especially if it has nuts or caramel.
2. Carbs: pasta, bread, rice, potatoes...
3. Brownies
4. Italian food
5. Casseroles

5 Bad habits:
1. Not washing my dishes and letting them sit in the sink for a whole week (we don't have a dishwasher).
2. Not finishing books that I have started.
3. Not putting clean clothes away, they usually stay in the laundry basket until they are all used up.
4. Not liking ice cream (I know, I's UnAmerican!!).
5. Not calling people back (I really hate talking on the phone) or emailing people back.

5 of my favorite toys:
1. My camera
2. My rice cooker
3. My Blog
4. Photoshop CS2 and Elements
5. As soon as our baby boy is here, I know that I will love playing with him.

Sorry, I am not going to tag anyone...because I think everyone I know has been tagged or has done it or I don't think would want to do it.


Kim said...

Brenley, thanks for being a good sport about the whole tagging thing! :o) So I was reading yours and was thinking "Yep, I do that, too (leaving clean clothes in the laundry basket)....yep, that too (not doing dishes...except I don't have an excuse since I have a dishwasher)...until I got to the ice cream part. Sorry, but I really love ice cream! It was fun getting to know you better! :o)

The Kunz Family said...

I am the same way about the laundry thing. There are only three of us but for some reason we have SO much laundry.

Marc and Megan said...

Okay, your five bad habits made me laugh so hard! The only one that doesn't describe me perfectly was the ice cream one. I love ice cream! BUT, the others... it was like you took a secret peak into my life! :)

Andy, Amy, Zach and Abby said...

Boy, I can relate to a lot of those things! (mostly the bad habits and the foods you like). And of course, I can relate to good ol' Hallmark too! I can't believe it's been 10 years already since we were there! Ahhh, memories.... :)