Sunday, February 8, 2015

Sunday Gratitude...six

I am grateful...

...for have my two amazing kids! I sometimes get lost in the desire for another little one to join our family that I forget to be grateful for my two cuties. I really love them, so much!

...for a helpful, loving husband. He has his flaws & quirks, but I never doubt his love for me or the kids. be healthy. My kids have been sick so much this winter. I am seriously going to go crazy over it. But through it all I have only been sick two days and so I have been able to take care of my family. homeschool. I love being able to teach my kids and see them learn. It really is amazing. Hard but so worth it.

...for what my kids teach me. I have learned so much from being the mother of my kids. They stretch me and help me to grow in ways I never thought I could.

...for old family photos and to feel connected to family members that I have never met. I have been going through old photos of my dad and his family. And I love seeing photos of my dad as a baby and of his parents. I never met my dads dad. He passed away not long after my parents were married. 

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