Sunday, February 22, 2015

Sunday Gratitude...eight

I am grateful...

...for warm sunny days. It has felt like spring this last week and the warm sunshine on my skin has felt so good. 

...for old friends who are randomly thinking of me and text me. 

...for a patient husband. He just is so patient with me and my impatience. 

...for my faith in my Savior, that he lives and loves me.

...that families are forever and that I will again someday see my dad, Brooke and all my other family members that have passed on.

...that I can buy fruits and veggies for my family. Fresh fruit and veggies make me so happy. YUM!

...for texting. I really hate talking on the phone but love staying in contact. So texting is like a dream come true for me. 

...for photos. Ones that show my dad as a kid and ones I take everyday that I can look back on and remember. I have such a terrible memory and it helps. be me. Although I have had a great life I have always been uncomfortable as myself. In the year or two I have truly come to be comfortable with being me and not being ashamed of who I am with all my talents and faults.

beautiful weather, fun with friends, a cowgirl and a fun family day...

The weather was so beautiful and warm this week. We tried to enjoy it as much as possible. Despite that our week felt kind of off. And I just realized that we didn't read our scriptures as a family the entire week and we didn't do family prayer all week either. We usually are really consistent and we just didn't do it. And I am pretty sure that's why the week felt weird and off. So we will make sure we don't do that again. 

School felt totally off this week, because I wasn't super prepared for the week because we were out of town last weekend and we ended up enjoying the weather with friends more than we usually do. 

Mon: Working on practicing his spelling words. 

Playing some educational apps on the iPad.

Played the new game we got. 

Some Monday Oak decided she wanted to be in charge of Family Home Evening. She decided on her topic which was "Helping others". Mac then decided he wanted to help her and wrote an entire talk for her. He did a great job of writing it and then he whispered it in her ear since she can't read. 

This is the talk he wrote for Oak. So cute!

Tues: I talk to the kids every single night about getting up and getting their room clean before they play. But with out fail they play and play until they are hungry then get mad that they can't go eat breakfast until their room is clean (which has been a standing rule for a year).Mac was fine with it, but as you can tell Oak was not happy and spent the entire morning throwing a fit about it. We didn't eat breakfast until almost 11am. 

Mac and Grandma worked on this town together. I thought it was so cute!

So we have a pretty good system for the kids and their money. When they get money they put it right into their piggy bank. Then every once in awhile we count it out and sort it into their "money boxes" for "tithing" (10%), "savings" (10% mission 10% other) and "spend" (70%). 
Mac loves to count money and he is quite good at it now so he wanted to count and sort out his money from his piggy bank. We talked about percentages and how to find 10% and talked about adding with decimals. It was a great math lesson. Then he helped me do Oaks, because she wanted hers counted also.

This is a chair that was mine as a little girl. The kids have been using it for  years and the top finally popped out. It has been sitting in our hallway and every time I look at it, it makes me sad because I know that my dad would get it fixed the moment I showed it to him because that is what my dad loved to do and he was good at it. 

The kids being super goofy. 

They spent a few hours playing underneath the table. Since it is a counter top height table it is a really great fort. 

Eating lunch under the table. 

Love him!.

How cute is he?!

Dad doing an optical illusion science kit with the kids. 

I went grocery shopping and realized that half my groceries were fruit and veggies and I was feeling very proud at how far I have come in this department. Just a few years ago, I was hardly buying any fruit or veggies. Mostly because I was scared of them going bad and wasting the money and I didn't know how to prepare them for meals. It doesn't intimidate me. 

Found these amazing strawberries at Walmart. They were huge and yummy!

We were heading out on a picnic at the park with friends. And I noticed that I accidentally put them in a rainbow order. YUM!

When we got home from Taekwondo, Mac announces that he and dad were going to make dinner and that I was to sit and relax. Sounds good to me! 

As I was still laying in bed Oak dumped out my little change bowl and wanted to sort and count them. 

This is how she dressed for the day. 

Oak has been into dress designing this week and drawing pictures of dress designs. So then I catch her pulling my dresses out of the closet and taking them to her room. I panicked because I thought she was going to cut them up. Thankfully we got that straightened out. So she ended up just adding her hair bows to redesign them. 

Second outfit for the day.

Then a friend of mine gave her a few bags of clothes. She was in heaven. 

For the first time Mac was asked to lead warm ups at taekwondo. He said he was nervous but excited. He did a great job. 

They were looking at places from Hubs' mission area. 

She said, "This is my cowgirl face...because it's serious."

Another cowgirl face. 

Not her cowgirl face. 

Friday morning we went to a retirement center with our homeschool group. The kids had a blast although not many residents showed up. Mac played Pictionary for the first time and he loved it. 

After the retirement center we met friends from our homeschool group at a coffee shop with a large lounge area to eat lunch and let the kids play. Mac loved playing legos with the boys.

Oak had fun with fingernail polish with the girls. 

Friday was Hubs' sister's 30th birthday. She passed away 11 years ago. The kids wanted to do something special so we bought some pink balloons and taped a note to them and let them go. The kids loved doing this for her. 

Then we had our traditional pizza picnic movie night. We haven't made homemade pizza in forever. This time I let the kids make their own little pizzas and it was perfect. We will do this from now on. 

Sat: The county museum had free  day and had some 1860 era things going on. The kids favorite part of the museum is the animal/outdoor exhibit. My kids love people and make quick friends. Oak grabbed this stranger to show her something. 

Oak got these overalls as a hand-me down. She put her hands in pants and said, "When I put my hands in my overalls I can feel my undies!" haha

Then we went on a hike and then played at the park. 

The rest of the day we just rested and then right before bed we all had a pillow fight. The kids love doing this of course. 

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Old family photos part 1

The last time I saw my dad, I was helping him and my mom pack up their house to move out of it. I mostly helped my dad with his woodshop/shed. There were a ton of boxes in the loft area and while getting them down for my dad, I found a box of old photos, mostly of my dad when he was young. I was so excited to find such a treasure. I asked my dad if I could take home the box of photos to scan into my computer. He thought it was a great idea. I was so glad that I took them home instead of sending to storage with all the rest of their stuff. Because my dad passed away just a month and a half later and I was able to find some great photos of my dad for the services. 

A couple of weeks ago I decided I needed to actually go through the whole box, organize the photos and start scanning them. My mom and I had so much fun going through and looking at all the photos and talking about them. There are a ton of photos and scanning them is a long process. So this is just the first batch of photos that I was able to scan. 

This is my dad's mother (whom we called Nana) Beaulah and my dad's father Kenneth who died about 50 years ago. My grandfather was, I think, 19 years older than my grandmother. And their dog Cindy which my dad loved.

My Nana holding my dad at four months old. 

My dad in 1939.

My dad and Nana in 1939.

My dad and Nana when he was about one.

My dad and his parents at about one year old. 

My dad at four months old. 

My dad and his mom. He looks like a teenager. 

My dad on his fourth birthday. 

My dad and his bike. There is a great story to go with this bike. After a flood my dad found a glass jar with $100 in it. He turned it into the town he lived in. No one ever claimed it so the money was then given to my dad since had found it. He ended up using the money to buy this bike which loved!

My dad assuming between 7 and 12 months old. 

My dad probably high school. 

My dad as a teenager. 

My dad. This one reminds me alot of my brother Ryan. It looks like it might be a senior photo since it looks like he is wearing a class ring. 

My dad when he was in the Navy. I was so excited to find this photo to get printed for my dad's service. 

My dad's graduation photo. 

My dad. So CUTE!

My dad in the Navy. 

My dad. 

My dad.

My dad and his mom. 

My dad.

My dad.

My dad. 

My dad at four months. 

My dad.

My dad. 

My dad and his mom. 

My dad. 

My dad. I love how you can see his father's reflection in the rear view mirror. 

My dad. 

This is my favorite photo I found. My dad and his mother. 

My dad at two months. 

My dad, his sister Judie and their Mother. 

My dad with his mother holding him and his father. I am not sure who the other lady is but I plan on asking my Aunt Judie who she is.

My dad and his sister and their mother. 

My dad and his sister. Love her face!

My dad and his sister and their mother. My Aunt said she had never seen this photo before. I really love the hats and the camera my dad is has over his shoulder. He had a love for photography since he was very young.