Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Utah Day 1 {Manti}

We just got back from a some what quick trip to Utah. We went to be able to see our new nephew be blessed. But we ended up adding a couple more days to add a few more things into our trip. So we were there for four very full and fun days. And the weather was amazing!!
We decided to make the drive there in one day again. We left at 3 am and drove the whole day. We packed enough food that we didn't need to stop and eat breakfast and lunch and stopped enough to let the kids run and stretch their legs. We even stopped and had a picnic lunch at a rest stop. We did end up stopping to have dinner at a McDonald's about two hours from my brothers house. We did that so that the kids could play there and to hopefully get through the last two hours of our driving without much crying. It worked!

The next morning we woke up and headed to Manti to visit Hubs' Mission President. But before that we went to walk around the Manti Temple grounds. It is such a beautiful Temple. 

My new favorite picture! I think I might need to print this and frame it for each of their rooms.

Tried to get a picture with my kids and neither of them wanted to sit next to me. 

So it worked out so great to go see President Gillespie because Hubs was able to visit with a few guys from his mission who were coming over also to work on stuff for the mission reunion in Mexico (which sadly we won't be able to go to).  The kids and I stayed for a bit then we left Hubs there and we went back to my brother's house to eat dinner with them. And one of the guys (from his mission) brought him back to West Jordan. While we were there Hubs was able to help him take some debri to the compost place and then they stopped by the cemetery to visit his wife's grave. (She passed away last August). And the kids played in his yard and watered his flowers for him. President also made some amazing Lebonese food. And some super yum hummus, that he kindly gave me the recipe for. Also while we were there the kids found a bowl full of key chains from all over the world. And they loved looking at all of them and asking me where they are from. This has made Mac want to start his own key chain collection. I am so glad that we were able to make the time to visit him and that Hubs has kept in contact with him over the years.

As the kids and I were making the two hour trip back to my brother's house. The kids fell asleep and half way home, once we got back on the freeway, Oak woke up and her special bear (that she has to have to suck her thumb and sleep) had fallen and she woke up MAD. She screamed and cried and I couldn't reach it and I was on the freeway so I couldn't just stop and get it. She screamed and cried for about 30 minutes until we got off the freeway and were stopped at a light where I could jump out of my seat to grab it. It was crazy how upset she was about it. 

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