Friday, May 31, 2013


It has been a year since we were approved to adopt. So we are in the process of getting re-approved for another year. We went and got our fingerprints done and then our caseworker did our house visit where she just checks safety. We have a few more other small things to do and then we will be ready for another year with hope that this is the year we will find our baby.

Mac is finally taken interest in reading and is doing great. I am not sure how much he works on reading at preschool, but we haven't worked on it too much at home. When he has a moment of interest I help him and give him some pointers but I haven't been strict or consistent about teaching him. I don't want him bored in Kindergarten this next year.But he has picked up on it and he is doing really well at sounding out the words and reading. So proud!

Every once in awhile I realize that I am not being as consistent as I should be with timeouts. And it was really showing lately, yikes! So we have cracked down on timeouts in our house.

We weren't able to get a date night/babysitting swap scheduled for April. But we already had our date for this month. We went to REI and then ate some yummy Mexican food. I got a delish Yucatan dish. SO YUM! We got a few things at Walmart and then some Redbox movies.

I have wanted Mac to be my piano prodigy from the moment he was born. He has an ear for music. We would like to get him in piano lessons but at this point in our lives we are only able to put him in one activity which is Taekwondo at the moment. But for now Hubs has written the notes to Teach Me To Walk In The Light on a paper and has put stickers with the letters on the piano keys. He has most of the song memorized. I think this next year we will get some beginner piano books and have daddy teach him more.

Mac got a Thomas the Train Junior UNO game as a gift. Mac picks up pretty quickly on how to play games and it was no exception with this game. He also really loves playing games! We have played it often and he is better at it than me. We just bought the regular version of UNO and we will see how he does with that.

We went to kindergarten registration a few weeks ago. Mac is so excited about going to kindergarten. I am anxious to see how he does since we will most likely be homeschooling after this year.

I had to speak in church last week. My topic was "living and teaching the gospel at home". I think it turned out okay, but mostly I am just glad that it is over with.

Hubs got an iPhone recently. I have been pretty adamant that I don't want a smart phone but now that he has one I want one! I have to wait until August when I can get a free upgrade.

Hubs was out of town for a week and it was miserable. At the very same time the weather had turned bad so we were pretty much stuck in the house and my kids were bored so they were extra difficult and getting into lots of trouble. It was not fun!

The first part of the month was pure summer weather with it being 80 degrees out everyday then the last two weeks it has been cold and wet. We are ready for summer!!

Our garden is looking so great. Hubs ended up planting most of it with seeds straight into the garden beds and surprisingly it is all growing, thanks to the heat we have had. I will have to take a picture of it.

I chopped my hair! And thankfully found someone who wants to trade doing my hair for photos.

Last week marked nine years since we lost our beautiful Brooke. We miss her so much!!

Our June is filling up fast and I am already pretty much dreading it because I hate being over scheduled. It stresses me out and causes a lot of anxiety for me. The only thing I can do is take it one thing at a time and enjoy. Because at least it is all fun stuff!

1 comment:

Tia Hopper said...

Why do you plan on homeschooling? Just curious.