Monday, May 13, 2013


We were staying the night at my parents house and Hubs was brushing Mac's teeth and his loose tooth started to bleed. My husband said it had to come out before we went to bed because he was worried Mac would swallow it. So Mac and daddy sat at the kitchen sink working on it for about 30 minutes. Mac was crying pretty hard because he was scared, not because it hurt. He was pretty brave though and would let daddy try to wiggle it free and then Mac mostly wanted to do it himself. When it was really just hanging by a thread, he wanted me to come hold him so I sat with him on my lap while he try to twist and turn and wiggle his tooth out. And then he did it, it came out! We were all very proud. The Tooth Fairy didn't come prepared so she had to borrow from Grandma Tooth Fairy. And Mac made out like a bandit with three dollars (because it was his first and for pulling it out himself). He was so excited!

Daddy comforting Mac because he was scared.

Daddy giving a pep talk. Mac was NOT happy that I took this picture.

And look at his cute little  mouth and his cute little tooth! You can see he had been crying.

I asked him if he wanted to write a note to the tooth fairy, and I am so glad that I did, so precious...

"Dear Tooth(fairy), Look at my tooth. I hope you bring me a surprise. McCoy"
He wrote this with very little help. 

And a picture of him and the tooth fairy.


FarrEver Family said...

So cute! His own kid are going to love seeing that some day! You have an amazing mind set of needing to capture those special little things. I think you are amazing!

Tia Hopper said...

That is the cutest thing!!