Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Oak {7 months}

.she learned to clap on march 4th and she now claps with open hands and when you say "yay!".
.she rolls all over the place in all directions and every which way, and she is fast at it.
.she has learned how to get down on her own when she is tired of sitting up.
.she is a full time sitter and will catch herself when she loses her balance.
.she has tried all the veggie baby foods and prunes and she only didn't like the peas. She kept gagging and when she had enough she just stopped opening her mouth for me.
.she loves to chew on any fabric/material (she gets excited when she sees that I am going to wash her face).
.she is officially in 12 month size clothing and won't fit into anything smaller.
.she says "dadadad" and "babababa".
.she now can hold her own bottle.
.she loves to play peekaboo and kindof gets the idea.
.when you put a blanket over her head she will grab it and pull it off.
.when she is on her tummy she has started to stick her bum in the air and push her self backwards.
.she has even tried to get her knees up under her.
.pretty sure she will be crawling with in the month (if I could stop her I would)
.she is so wiggly now and it is getting harder to change her diaper. (it was hard to take her pictures this month)
.she loves oatmeal.
she chews on everything.
.she is getting her first tooth and it hardly seems to phase her, except that she drools more than she did before.
.she can sign "more", but I don't think she knows exactly what it means yet.
.she is such a happy baby all the time.
.she still sucks her thumb when she is hungry or tired.



Desiree said...

she's so adorable.

Jill said...

So Cute & growing up so fast. She is such a happy girl!!!

Our Pratt Pack said...

So dang cute I love the spitting picture!

Jewls said...

I love her big eyes and smile! What a cutie!

Michelle said...

She is so dang adorable! I love all the pictures you take of her!