Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Cell Phone Pic Overload...

I thought it was cute how she was all scrunched up in a ball while she was eating.

Love me a baby on my hip!

Babies asleep in carseats is one of the most precious things to see.

Yum! Ice cream at Costco!

When we go to Lowes, one of the first things Mac ask to go look at is "the doors".

This picture just makes me laugh!

Who is the oldest sibling now?

Making her laugh!

Nothing but cute and adorable!

Helping feed sister!

Mac figured out how to roll his tongue! I most def cannot do that.

My little cool dude!

She is all over the place now, and rolls like there is no tomorrow!

She fell asleep during a basketball game.

More ice cream at Costco.

I love me some adorable rolls, she is just too cute!

Ready to go in purple!

This blue frosting stained his hands and face for a whole day, so funny!

One tired boy fell asleep after he was done eating his mac-n-cheese.

His first family picture.

She ends up like this alot and will do it back and forth with each leg and kinda ends up scooting a little.

Mac has been trying to be a good helper and he wanted to help change Oaks diaper.
 He has one of his helping hands on his face, see post below if you don't know what I am talking about.

LOVE.LOVE.LOVE this smile!

This is an oldie! She used to smile alot in her sleep.

This is an oldie too. I left Hubs home with both kids for the first time (oak was just a month old) and Oak cried the whole time and Mac got into everything he could and got into trouble and had to sit on the couch then zonked.

This is an oldie too. Mac and his buddy/neighbor A.

I thought it was so cute how he had fallen asleep with his hand like that.

Another oldie. Destined to be a thumb sucker.

Pizza Picnic

Oldie, Just love that baby chub!

We love this hat, and I thought she looked like a little knome.

When he hasn't had a nap yet, he will fall asleep instanty in the car.

Hubs has been teaching Mac how to play Chess. He is starting to figure out what each piece does which is pretty cool. And he loves to play with Daddy.

This was actually today. She was playing with this teether and somehow got it stuck on her foot.

Oldie. Love the smile on Mac's face!

First time she sat up when she was 4 months old.


Jill said...

So fun!!! Love captured moments & memories via cell phones, you have 2 beautiful children, count yourself extra lucky & blessed!!!

Anonymous said...

Tongue rolling is a recessive trait, you either can or can't do it. Two of my four sibs can do it :-)

Cali and Travis said...

Your kids have the biggest, brightest eyes. What cuties! I stand by my previous statements that adopted kids are the cutest kids! (of course I could be slightly biased.)