Monday, March 14, 2011

life lately...

-- Both of our kids have been really sick the last week and a half, and now Hubs is sick. We all have a bit of cabin fever and I ready for everyone to be better. I was given a tender mercy and I DIDN'T get sick.

--Since Mac has been sick and cooped up in the house for so long, he has had the WORST behavior. I have never seen him more stubborn and defiant EVER. It has been a really hard couple of days!

--Oak turned 7 months! Time is seriously going by way too fast. And has learned some new things that make her seem like such a big girl: she can open hand clap, can hold her own bottle, and she got her first tooth.

--Mac has not worn a pull up to bed in about a week and has only had one morning wet. Yahoo!

--After the contents of our 72 hr kits had been sitting in grocery bags on the floor of my laundry room for a whole year, and waking up to hear about the earthquake in Japan, I decided to finally get it all put together in the $2 clearanced back packs I got at Walmart a couple of weeks ago. They are 99% done, with just having to get copies of important info and documents to put in it and also getting some baby formula in packets.

--On that note, we had a crazy storm yesterday and a lot of people's power went out. I was actually on the phone with my mom telling her about it and telling her that my in-laws power had gone out and literally that very second ours went out. So crazy! It happened later in the day but it was still somewhat light outside so I was able to go find our flashlight and lantern. I found out that our lantern's batteries were dead and I didn't have enough new batteries.( So that is on my list for the week.) We then decided to go for a drive and by the time we were about to step out of the house the power came back on. So we were luckier than most because our power was only out for maybe 15 minutes at the very most.

--Last week I got this itch to finish decorating Oak's room. And to to give it that finished feeling (besides that I haven't painted in there yet), I found a curtain rod that we never had used and so old white, sheer curtains from IKEA that I had used a million years ago and put them up in there. I like the feel of going in her room now. I have been really itching to do Mac's room for awhile, but I have decided to wait until we get him a bigger bed (he is in a toddler bed right now) and also I want to paint his room.

--This last Friday I was taking Oak to the doctor and the weather was beautiful and you could see the pink blossoms starting on all the trees. And all of a sudden it hit me that it IS actually March and we are so close to Spring and Summer. My mindset has for some reason been stuck in January where it felt like months before we would get to nice weather. But we are so close, like really close and I am so excited!

--I don't know what it is but I just can't keep up with my dishes lately. I feel like I get a load done and still have more in the sink and then dinner needs to be made so then another load is piled on my counter. It is seriously driving me nuts and I wish I had two dishwashers.

--As I am doing certain things during the week, there are a few things that I tell myself every week that I need to get. Two of them are a NEW vacuum cleaner, pretty sure out doesnt' suck anything up and takes the term very seriously "SUCKS". Lately I have been using the hose part and vacuuming our house on my hands and knees using the small hole of the hose. Also a color printer/scanner. Every week when I prepare my primary lesson or want to do some fun activity with Mac I curse the fact that we don't have a color printer. It is really annoying! But after I do all of that, I tell myself that I have gotten this long without them and to just deal with it. And then a new week starts and the same thing happens all over again.

--In one month from today, Hubs and I will have our 10 year wedding anniversary. Holy Smokes! I LOVE my husband but after 10 years with him I can also say that I LIKE him too! I have been hoping and dreaming for the last couple of years that by the time we hit our 10year that we would be able to go on a REAL vacation to some place far away that I have never been with palm trees and white beaches and clear, aqua ocean. It is pretty likely that that won't happen, I can now dream for our 20 year anniversary cruise. Which is actually already planned with our good friends John and Amy who got married 5 days after us (we didn't know them at the time).

--I am starting to "coupon". This is my third try at doing it. This time I really hope to succeed. So far I have failed because I haven't gotten on single deal yet. But I am just a couple of weeks into it and there really haven't been any deals worth me making a special trip to the store which is NOT close to where we live. But I did go to a "couponing" class that my friend had and it actually was so much help. She explained alot of stuff that I wasn't completely sure of and to have some tell you face to face how it works always makes things easier. I came away more confident and I am really excited to be doing this and to build my food storage and hopefully save us some money, or at least stay within my grocery budget.

--I challenged myself to make my bed everyday for the whole month of March. I ended up starting two days early, because that is when I decided I was going to do this and i wanted to just start now! I have only missed ONE day so far. And that was this last Saturday, and to be honest I didn't even think about it until we went to bed. It was the first day in over a week that i was able to get some other things done outside of our home and in our home because Hubs was home to help me and I was taking advantage of that. But I have to say, it hasn't been that hard and I really like what it does for my motivation to get some other things done around the house.


Jewls said...

I wrote you a big long comment and then there was an error...drat!

So I'll just repeat the last part, love your ADORABLE family!

Emily said...

The sickness/bad behavior sounds so familiar to me. That was our January. But you're smarter than me and know that it's just temporary due to sickness. I thought Easton was going to be a nightmare forever!!

Give couponing some time, it can take awhile to get the hang of things, but after that first awesome deal you'll feel so good. It's addicting.

Congrats on the 10 years, that's awesome!! Love you!

Sonja said...

I totally second Emily on the couponing thing. As soon as you figure it out (at least enough to do your first big deal), you'll be totally hooked and wonder why you didn't start earlier. I am SO proud of my stock-pile and all the money I am now saving my family.

I also totally agree with the bed making thing! Whenever I actually take the few minutes it takes to make it, I feel like I just get SO much more stuff done during the day. It makes me want to open my blinds in my room and just face the day. Unfortunately with me working nights, I've never been able to make it a habit. Keep it up!