Monday, September 6, 2010

What I have learned while being a Mommy of my two beauties!

**Love  most definitely grows! I even feel like I love Mac more, even though I am not sure that is possible. But it is so easy to love both of my babies! (I also feel this way for Mac's birthmother and the growth of our family with Oak's birthfamily).
**Being a passanger in the car on trips is a full time job between snacks for Mac and any "I want's"  from him and crying and binki retrieving for Oak.
**My back hurts more.
**Oak is a completely different baby than Mac was.
**(This may be different for most people) I worry more about Oak's health and if I am taking care of her properly. Not sure why that is, or maybe I did worry just as much I just don't remember it.
**I am too scared to take them both someplace all by myself. So errands are rarely gotten too unless Hubs has been willing to make them for me (which he has done quite a bit actually).
**I finding myself trying even harder to savor every second of Oak being a baby. Because really truly she could be my last, which breaks my heart to a million pieces (And I hope and pray that is not the case). And time just flys way too fast!
**My blog is a last priority in blogging. I love being able to provide a way for our children's birthfamilies to see them grow and that is top priority.
**Making sure that Mac knows he is secure in his place in our family. He is an awesome big brother. Now lets just hope that he doesn't share his cough and runny nose with his little sister.
**I am so excited to take both of my kids to the Temple. I really hope that it will be a memory that Mac will remember when he is older. (My first memory was of my 3rd birthday, so it is possible).
**It is so weird saying "the kids" or "our kids" or "my babies".
**I am determined to make Oak a binki baby. I didn't try hard enough with Mac and there were so many times that I had wished he would. Although in hind sight, I didn't have to try get rid of the things.
**Adoption is so amazing! And I am so glad it is my plan to adopt my babies, I would never change that.
**I think I am even more ok with never being pregnant. (That however does not mean that infertility is not still hard on me).
**I for some reason have been a better housekeeper since Oak was born. I have made my bed more days than I probably have for the whole year put together.
**I could never be a Mother without my husband by my side.
**I LOVE being a Mommy! The happy moments and the rough moments. My life is my fairytale!
**I love MY BABIES!


Jenni said...

What a sweet mama you are! I can relate to many of your comments. We're so happy for you.

Is there still a baby shower in the making? I can't wait to see your little Oakley in person, and to show you our sweet little one. Take care!

Marci said...

Wow!! I love you guys and can't wait to see those two little darlings.

Kristin and Seth said...

Love this post!! I am so happy for you guys! Your babies are beautiful! It is more work having two, but it will get easier with time. Your family is so cute! Congrats!

dust and kam said...

I love this post.

I love adoption.

My heart just starting racing as I was thinking about the fact that I could experience it all again. What an amazing miracle it is. I hope I do.

You are an amazing mother and I am so happy for you four.


Anonymous said...

I love that picture of you! You look so peaceful and happy and proud! So adorable. Could you share more of Oaklee's birthstory? It seems like she just showed up one day!

Sonja said...

What a great post and what great stories you will get to share with your children! Two is so much more joy...and of course so much more work. ;) I didn't go many places by myself for awhile either...but it really does get easier. Just be prepared to sweat...I mean REALLY sweat during those first couple trips out on your own. And try to remember (especially when they're both crying) that you can do this...AND really nobody else is noticing the way you think they are. ;) Congrats on your sweet angel!