Sunday, September 26, 2010

Sunday Gratitude

Mac and Oak saying "Goooo Beavers!"

I haven't done my "Sunday Gratitude" posts since before Oak was born. I can tell a huge difference in my attitude and I am ready to start back up. I'm excited!

I am grateful...

01.  for a hard working husband who allows me to stay home with our children.
02 . for my new Stake assignment to be a Stake Rep for LDSFS. I am excited to help those who want to learn more about adoption.
03 . to be the Mother of my two babies. Even on the hard weeks when Mac is testing my patience, love that boy!
04 . that I took alot of video of Mac the first two years of his life. We watched some today and it was so much fun, and Mac loved it.
05 . that Hubs was willing to watch the kids so I could go to the General Relief Society Broadcast, even though when I got home Oak had cried the whole time and Mac had emptied out an entire bottle of baby wash, half a bottle of hand sanitizer and knocked down our video camera that was actually out of his reach. Thankfully no harm done and it was a good experience for Hubs to have, haha!
06 . for the lingering days of summer that we are having. Although I LOVE fall, I haven't quite been ready for summer to be over.
07 . for my baby girl that LOVES to snuggle, although sometimes it makes it hard to get stuff done. But really I much rather hold her then clean the house (and it really shows right now!)
08 . to opportunity to prepare for General Conference this coming weekend. Oh how I love to hear the Prophet and Apostles speak and to recommit myself to be a better disciple.
09 . that Oak is a pretty good sleeper, so I don't feel so sleep deprived.
10 . for the beautiful little girls that I get to teach in Primary. I so love them!


kg said...

What cute little Beavers :) Go Beavers!

Carol and Bruce said...

I love your Sunday Gratitude idea and the Beavers photo is adorable, they all are. Glad your baby is good and loves to snuggle.