Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Potty talk and ice cream

Well, I think I can say that Mac is officially potty trained
 (although I fully expect some digression at some point).
Last week I worked on it with him the entire week. Both him and Oak had little cold so it was easy to stay home and get the job done. By Friday last week I thought we still had a long way to go, because ONE he had not yet told me he had to go potty and TWO he had never ever gone #2 on the potty. Those are both very important aspects of being potty trained. Then the next day Saturday it was like something just clicked with Mac and he was all of a sudden doing both of those things and he woke up from his nap completely dry.
So we rewarded our boy with a trip to Dairy Queen for some ice cream. And he even sweetened the deal by telling us all on his own that he had to go potty while we were there. He has had a few accidents here and there, but is doing surprisingly well.
I just love these pictures I got of my boys  eating their ice cream. They are so cute!

Trying to steal a bite of Daddy's.
Got some!


bell family said...

oh hopefully soon my niece will get to celebrate with ice cream as well and me too. I think potty training is just the pits.

jessica said...

he is sooo cute!!