Wednesday, January 27, 2010


It has been way too long since I have actually blogged about what is going on in out lives, so here is an update...

*On the first of January I stopped eating chocolate to see if it would help with my migraines at all. So far it has been 27 days and I haven't seen a difference at all.  I was going to try to go until my birthday in March, but honestly if I don't see a change in the next week or two then I am done with this little experiment. It has actually been fairly easy not to eat chocolate, but the cravings have been hard, very hard!

*Hubs's busy season has not officially started yet. It will soon though. Hubs really loves his job, and that makes for a happy home. Also the new niche he has been starting up there is really doing great and growing.

*The car Hubs drives broke down this last weekend. So it is in the shop being fixed and we are trying to work life out with one car.

*I am now teaching the CTR 5 class at church, oh man I so love that age. They love to answer questions and they love having a teacher. I have about 7 little munchkins and I already love each of their personalities.

*We got a piano for FREE right after Christmas. It is about a 100 years old upright and in pretty good condition. My Mother-in-law bought me some Old English to polish it up and hide the scratches. It actually makes it look really great. We will be waiting a while to tune it, but I am excited to finally have one in our home.

*We have been trying to get alot of our adoption paperwork done. We are getting there slowly. I am hoping that we will be approved in the spring (March or April). I think what is going to actually be the hold-back on getting approved is our back ground checks and finger prints. They always seem to take forever or get lost int he process with the state and we have two states that we have to do this with. But I actually not too worried about it. I know in the end it will all work out how it supposed to.

*I have been doing photo shoots of alot of newborns/babies lately. And I have been loving it. A friend asked me last week if it was hard because of our situation, and actually it hasn't been at all. I realized that I have never even thought about our situation when photographing these beautiful babies.

*In December some friends from church adopted a sweet baby boy. I was lucky enough to be invited to take pictures at Placement. I can't tell you how overwhelming that experience was. It brought back so many emotions and memories of our very special day two years ago. I cried all the way to the hospital and all the way through the paperwork being signed and all the way home and alot over the next couple of days. I thought alot about our sweet, and beautiful C and just how greatful I am for her. We are truly blessed!

*Mac is seriously talking up a storm. And at least once a day he adds a new phrase to his vocabulary that usually stops me in my tracks because it is just so strange to hear those such everyday phrases come out of such a little body.

*It is my goal this week to get our garage completely cleaned out. It needs to be done before we have our home inspection for adoption. So Mac is going to go stay with Grandma and Grandpa and I am going to spend every hour I can working on it. Wish me luck!!

*Hubs has been on a diet for the last couple of months and has been doing really well. People are actually really starting to notice that he has lost weight. And he gets really excited when he tries on old pants that haven't fit him in years and they are loose on him. I am very proud of him!

*Mac has been doing really well at listening and obeying. He will do things that I ask him to do the first time. But then we have days where he just flat our refuses to do anything and he doesn't care what the consequence is. The life of a toddler...

*I really can't think of much more, I am sure I bored you all to death!


dust and kam said...

definitely not boring! I love hearing what is up with you!

I hope you figure something out with your migraines soon! That is miserable.

Good luck on getting everything approved for your next adoption. Not my favorite process. lol But exciting at the same time. :)

Way to go Bryce! That is awesome!

Have a great week Brenley!

Our Pratt Pack said...

What a great update, I wish we lived in your ward and you could be Mia's teacher how funny would that be. Let me know if you find the cure to your migraines!

Penhallegon Family said...

Congrats to Bryce!!! Wayland has been on a diet as well and is doing really good. He has lost some weight and he is really excited about it as well.

Brynne, Aaron and Cade said...

Such a fun update! I love that we're close enough that I actually already know most of that stuff first hand (second hand?) from you! :) ALthough you missed one thing...much needed girl's temple trip! I had a great time! Lvoe you!!