Wednesday, January 13, 2010

December Randomly Cute!

And of course this is as close as he would get to Santa. This was at a family Christmas party that I was in charge of for my mom's side of the family. My uncle knows this guy from church and he came and played Santa and was totally hilarious and the best Santa ever. He even had a beard, but Hubs and I both noticed that when he walked in the church building he had a red beard, so he did something to turn his beard white.

I love this picture.

He was pretending to paint.

Mac is so infatuated with the blanket basket. He is always dumping out the blankets and taking the basket and using it as a stool to reach the counter or look over the couch.

He was very proud of himself as you can tell. He had been playing with a box of plastic spoons that he got out of the pantry. And he came up with this clever thing to do with them.

Love this picture of Mac jumping. He actually is a great jumper!

Helping daddy on the computer. I think they were watching videos off of the LDS web site.

Dragging around the penguin suit case that he got from Grandma and Grandpa for his birthday. One of Mac's nicknames from Hubs is "Penguino" because he used to casually walk around just like a penguin, sometimes he still does.

Hanging out in a box, why not!

Some little bad habits of his are shoving his whole fist in his mouth and also for some reason licking his entire arm. Not sure why, but I am trying to break him of the habit. Done good so far on the nail biting, I haven't seen him do that in awhile.

I asked him if he wanted to say prayer and he did this and said "Heavenly Fadder!"
I really love when we are blessing the food and he keeps his arms folded and sneaks food off of his plate!

He was probably eating a hair, which for some reason is one of his little bad habits...eating hair! Drives me nuts! But he is cuter than cute!

Just cute!

Playing in the box that our new book shelf came in! Who doesn't love that?!

Daddy feeding Mac whip cream!

We were all snuggling on the couch watching a movie and Mac was laying on me. Super cute! And then when Hubs was trying to take a picture he was doing his cheesy smile.

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