Sunday, January 20, 2008

holy SNOW batman!!

Well we got about 7-9 inches of snow over night and it is STILL snowing. We are supposed to be getting at least 4 more inches today! We are not sure how we are going to get to church this morning since our car is basically snowed in. At the moment the temp is 1 degree F (feels like -15 according to the weather channel). It is a city ordinance that we are required to shovel "our" sidewalks, because "people have a right to walk on clear sidewalks". Hubs did some of it but then he got tired and cold and didn't finish it. And then we noticed later a neighbor that we didn't know finished our part for us. We think that he likes shoveling snow because he did quite a few people's for them, he even shoveled a walkway to our car from the sidewalk. We tried to watch what house he walked into so we could take him so cookies or something, but we missed it. Well here is a look at our front walkway. Sorry the pictures are so bad, I was taking them through the window while I was holding Mac.


Kim said...

Wow! That is a lot of snow! And how sweet of your neighbor to help out with the shoveling. :o)

Jen said...

We have the same law here in Denver, but no one does it!!! I am glad we don't have the same amount of snow we got last year. We had 2 blizzards within a week of each other last year. This year it is just so COLD!

Julee and Matt said...

I totally understand! Us Oregon girls aren't use to this weather. It's amazing how it seems so warm when you talk to people back in Oregon. :)

Ron and Jessica said...

Yeah we got sick of shoveling since we live on a corner we bought a used snowblower from someone who was moving last summer. LOVE IT!