Thursday, January 24, 2008


1 day old
Today we had our first post placement visit with our Case Worker. He asked a question that at the time I couldn't put the answer into words that made sense, but as I have been thinking about it since then, I have found the words to satisfy this question for ME. The question was something like..."How do we know that he is supposed to be with us and us with him?" This is an overwhelming question to answer, as you could only imagine! But everyday when I look at my sweet, amazing, little Mac, MY SON, I think to myself how I couldn't imagine any other baby in my arms right now, and how I don't want any other baby other then Mac in my arms right now. I know his every facial expression, I know all of his two thousand body parts, I know just how he likes to be held, I know his cry, and now is beautiful smiles! I know HE is MY son! But it isn't just because I know him so well now! I felt this way even before he was born. I would sometimes think about what if things didn't work out with "C" (although I NEVER had any doubt that it wouldn't!) and how I would feel...and to me it would probably feel a lot like a miscarriage, where you have grown attached to this living being not yet born and then all of a sudden he is gone. I even had a dream at one point that I was pregnant, but I remember very clearly thinking in my dream that I was pregnant with Mac. I knew that it wasn't just another baby, it was HIM! And I loved that feeling and woke up knowing with out a doubt that he was ours and would be ours forever. (I am tearing up just thinking about it!)

During our adoption process, I have worried a little, but it was mostly worrying just to worry. But in reality my attitude was to not worry about anything unless there was an actual problem to worry about. I just wanted to enjoy our precious time with our new little family. "C" has been an amazing example of faith for me. She has said to me more than once, that she knows everything will work out without any trouble. And every time I have heard this from her it renews my faith and calms my worries! I can't even put into words how I feel about this young lady and describe to you what an amazing women she is and the spirit that radiates from her! Mac is so incredibly lucky to have her as his birthmother, we are truly lucky to have her in our lives forever!
Today was a great step in making Mac ours FOREVER! A few weeks ago the lawyer took the placement paperwork and the putative father info to the judge and the judge just granted our agency temporary custody of Mac and asked to see our Caseworker in a few weeks, which was today. So they went in today and explained to the judge that "C" was not going to say who the father was. And the judge just said, "Well she doesn't have to!" And signed all the paperwork.
So now, our next leap is to hire a lawyer and get a court date for the end of June to finalize the adoption to make Mac ours legally. And as soon as we know when that is going to be, then we can call the temple to make an appointment to have Mac sealed to us! I can't even believe that we are to this point in our adoption process, I am in awe!
Mac is fast asleep until about 5am and Hubs and I are about to celebrate with warm brownies and sparkling cider!
I can't say it enough...


Amanda said...

It is very hard to put into words the love for your child. Especially when they come to you in such a miraculous way. Good Luck with everything and congrats on the signing of the papers!

Carlotta said...

WOW! What a sigh of relief. I wish ALL judges were that understanding. You put it so perfectly.I can't imagine adoption without the Gospel. You know he is yours for more reasons then one =) What a special little boy!

kg said...

I love reading your enthusiastic love for your child. Thanks for sharing your are blessed and so is your little baby. I can feel your joy!

The Michiganders said...

Adoption has this miraculous way of showing you how very much Heavenly Father loves you and is aware of your needs. It is completely miraculous--and looking back you realize that Heavenly Father has supported you every step of the way and has been waiting to pour blessings down on your heads.

Sean, Jen, Carson and Addie said...

Your post made me all tingly! I KNOW that the children we receive through adoption were meant to be our children.

We were selected by a birthmother before we knew about Carson. The baby was already born and we got the call in the middle of the night...we were supposed to get on a plane the next morning to pick him up. The plane came and went and we couldn't get on it. We prayed and prayed and knew that this child belonged to another family. One of the hardest things we had to do was tell our caseworker that that baby wasn't ours.

Little did we know that Carson's birth mom was just learning that she was pregnant at that exact same time. The spirit reminds us everyday that Carson is OUR son and WE are his Mommy and Daddy. Just as McCoy is yours!

I am so excited for you as your adoption process proceeds! We can't wait to hear when you'll be going to the temple so that we can count down with you!!

p.s. I think this is the longest comment I have ever made—sorry!!

mrs. r said...

indeed you are!

Archambault Family said...

I don't know if you remember me, but I am Kim Neilson's sister. I just wanted you to know your story of your adoption really touched my life. My husband and I have struggled to become pregnant for 26 months, so I get some of your heartache. We did medications and had two failed pregnanies, so I can understand to an extent of what you have felt for the last 6 years. I am so happy for you and your little blessing of McCoy. He is adorable and fits your family perfectly. I recently found out I am finally pregnant, so I will get to have that joy too, soon! Well, I just wanted to say your story touched me. God had a reason for you to go to Montana and it was a really special reason. He is a cutie! Congrats!

Amber (Neilson) Archambault

Kim said...

I am so happy for you guys! I cried the whole time I was reading your blog. I know you guys are going to be so blessed for your love for McCoy. My you guys always be blessed! I love ya!!

Kim said...

That is so awesome! I'm so happy for you guys. Your little family is so adorable! :o) McCoy is a cutie. :o)

Emily said...

Wow, congratulations! That is so great to know that you are that much closer to being sealed to your little guy. I love that picture, so cute!

Archambault Family said...

Thanks for the sweet comment. So how is being a Mommy? Is it everything you have dreamed of? I bet it is wonderful. Well, keep me updated on how little McCoy is doing. He sure is cute!

Anonymous said...

We are very happy for you. He is beautiful blessing. When do we get to see him? I hope we don't have to wait till Swiss Days.
Elder and Sister Hyde


Jen said...

I wish when we started to want a baby we would be told you have wait so much time for this baby. Then the heartache would be less. I hated waiting those 5 years for Zack, but I KNOW he was supposed to go to our family and his timing was a blessing in the long run now that I look back on it. I just wish we could all know. I know that doesn't help us grow at all, but lessens the pain. I know that through adoption we are able to have very spiritual experience that we might not have had. It is a long and hard rode, but well worth it! I love knowing that your child is really yours even if you didn't give birth to him! Congrats I am still so happy for you!!!!!!

FarrEver Family said...

So awesome Brenley. You know how to make a girl cry. I'm with Jen on her comment...I wish you could have known how long it was going to take to get this little guy. Miss you often. Thanks for calling today, I really needed it. It is always nice to hear from you. Thanks for commenting on my parents blog too.
Love you tons.

Julee and Matt said...

So excited for the three of you. I can't wait until he will be yours forever and ever! The temple will be an amazing experience. You are blessed, but you deserve it!