Monday, January 21, 2008

-15 and 9 hours...

He slept 9 hours last night, from 8:30 to 5:30! I can tell you that I didnt sleep that long, I also went to bed at 8:30 and woke up at 4 and couldnt go back to sleep, aaahgg!
And right at this moment (8:30am) it is -15 degrees outside! Tomorrow it is supposed to get back into the 20s, a heat wave!


Andy, Amy, Zach and Abby said...

Man, he's cute and man, that's cold! Brrr! That is awesome that he is such a good sleeper for you. Abby was like that too....what a dream! I love the picture of him....all bundled up and snuggly. :)

Julee and Matt said...

The girls were like that also...they still are! :) Enjoy the sleep, he will start growing and be up ever couple hours to eat. We got the snow today...thanks for sending it my way!

The Moon's said...

Hey Brenley,
I think we are having an artic blast here in eastern washington too, I am not sure what it is like with the windchill but there were snow drifts along the roads here yesterday and I couldnt touch our stormdoor this was so cold it burned my fingertips, yikes? I feel your pain!!! WE have to shovel our walkways too, luckily my neighbor plowed for me every time it snowed while Lindsay was gone....such a nice gesture if I do say so myself.

Emily said...

I am 100% jealous of the good sleeper you have. But not even a little bit jealous of your weather.

Our Pratt Pack said...

Awe yes the 1st night when they sleep all the way threw and you still wake up every 2-4 hours... hopefully you'll both sleep full nights from now on!

kg said...

Lucky you to have a sleeping baby!!!

Wow, it's you have a fireplace?

Carlotta said...

I feel like that is inhumane! I missed our memo for the blizzard that hit us yesterday! It was insane. The roads weren't plowed when I left for work and people were stuck everywhere. I normally get to work in 30min and it took me 1hr. I feel like in those temps your body would stop working!

ckkg said...

That should be against the laws of nature to be that cold! Congrats on the 9 hours of sleep for little Mccoy! That's awesome! We moved Kaiya to her crib this weekend and it has made her an even BETTER sleeper than she was before! I love that picture with his cute beenie, by the way!

Amanda said...

Congrats on you night sleeper. Hopefully it will continue. Mine little guy was sleeping through the night at about 2 months. They say adopted children are extra good kids. Also, KEEP WARM!

Kim said...

Oh my goodness! Your little boy is cute! Congrats! I am so happy for you guys!