Wednesday, September 5, 2007


So some of you are wondering about my comment on only having to spend one winter in Montana. Well here is the explanation for you...
With the company Hubs works for (Enterprise Rent-A-Car) you have to apply for promotions and almost all promotions are to out of state offices. This means that we will be moving alot in the next 10 years or so, with probably staying in one place for no longer than two years. Hubs can apply for promotions now, but we are going to wait until February or March because the adoption process is more complicated when not in the same state.
I hope this helps with the confusion!


Emily said...

Makes total sense to me...thanks for clearing that up! You guys will be professional movers! It will be so cool to see so many different places!

kg said...

makes sense...good luck! Moving around while your family is young is the best time, hopefully you'll get to live in some fun places!

Julee and Matt said...

I hope you don't have to move too many times. I hate to pack up, it's such a hard process. Just make sure to keep all your boxes!