Sunday, July 15, 2007

East Helena Rodeo

We decided to check out the Rodeo this last weekend. Hubs loves Rodeo's, although you wouldn't be able to tell with him always in a white shirt and tie, he is a country boy at heart. We enjoyed most of the rodeo, although the atmosphere was not a pleasant one. Everyone around us was smoking and drinking, and this large group of young adults decided to take every last inch of seating around us, and we were squished. And then they were talking to each other over us, and the girl next to me kept on yelling for her friends in my ear. Finally after about 15 minutes they decided that they would move, and boy were we glad to stretch out a little. We left before it was completely over because both of our backs hurt from sitting on the hard wooden bleachers. But we were able to play around with my camera and take some fun shots. Sorry there are so many, I just couldn't pick a few. Both Hubs and I took these pictures, I took mostly the still pictures and Hubs took most of the action ones.


Little guy watching the "Rocky Mountain Rocksters".

This picture is blurry but I really liked it!

Dreamin' of bein' a cowboy!

Mini-Rodeo Clowns

I just loved that these guys were standing exactly the same way. But I hate how it looks like they are standing on the fence pole.

I think that this is torture!

This guy really caught some air!

Hubs likes this picture.

OUCH!!! (All the same guy.)

...And the sheep riders. They were so cute!


Emily said...

I LOVE the rodeo! Too bad about the surroundings though. I've only been to the Rexburg smoking and drinking there! Oh man I'm jealous, that looks like so much fun. And I love the pictures and how your wrote 'dreamin' instead of's so much more cowboy-ish! Great post Bren!

Brynne, Aaron and Cade said...

First of all, GREAT pictures! Both the stills and actions where definitely blog worthy! You both have good eyes for what makes a great shot.

And second...I love rodeos! I agree, the people can ruin a great time but there's something about being there. The big rigs in the parking lot. The hats and boots, and wranglers. The heat. The smells of dirt, animal poo, and kettle corn. Ahhh, so fun! We'll have to take Cade to one next year. You guys seem to be taking full advantage of Helena so way to go!

JnR said...

Those are great pictures, I miss going to the rodeo. You took great shots, what kind of camera do you have? You were able to get great action shots too.

Julee and Matt said...

We missed the Rodeo this year back in Eugene. I love your pictures. I wish the parents of the little cowboys could see your pictures, they are awesome. You are amazing.
Also, I love the new banner picture. I just don't know how you get such great pictures. If you come to Utah soon, I'm hiring you to get pictures of the girls, ok?
Love ya!

kg said...

We enjoy a good rodeo too. You got some great shots here, I think my fave is the yellow hat! I also love your new banner, beautiful!

rose said...

wow, i've neve been to the rodeo, but that looks fun! not to many cowboys down here...
but awesome pictures. you and bryce are very talented. although i agree with you spring that some of it is cruel. but it still looks fun to watch.

Skye said...

love your pictures! It's good to hear from you guys. I hope you're enjoying Montana!

Lizzie said...

You are an amazing photographer! Those are incredible pictures. I ended up getting a Canon Powershot S3 IS. It's perfect for what I needed. It takes the pictures really fast, turns on and shoots the first pic really fast, has 12x optical zoom and a raised flash. You can put different lenses and flashes on it as well. It also has movie mode (which my parents would die if I didn't have that). I need to play around with it more though. Also, I had no idea you were a dental assistant. I hope you get to eat lunch next time. Migraines SUCK!

Sharon/Mom/ Grandma said...

I loved your pictures! They were awesome. I loved that some were color and some black and white.

Our Pratt Pack said...

I love the Rodeo pics!!!