Sunday, August 7, 2016

projects, outdoors and family...

I was a bit surprised to see Oak had made this. I love when my kids learn what they are supposed to learn on their own. I haven't worked with her much on her number order past 20. We count out loud sometimes but haven't done much with writing them and just a bit of recognition work. 

So I started a house project and at first my cute hubby said I was on my own. Which is fine because he has a million other things he is doing. But he still jumped in to help me and has worked so hard to help me. We are still far from being done with it but getting closer. The project kindof paused a bit with Mac's baptism, Oak's birthday and getting ready to start homeschooling. 

On our way to and from Home Depot we put some Chicago on and Hubs and I were belting it out. The kids were so embarrased. Then on the way home we listen to Walk Like an Egyptian. And the kids loved it. 

We went to lunch at the YMCA park and they always have some sort of activity going on with it. This guy is starting a program to help troubled kids by teaching them music. He had brought several guitars and just let the kids at them. He is very brave. 

Oak loved it. 

An evening bike ride. Love going on bike rides in our "neigborhood".

One of our largest eggs. They are usually double yokers. We have gotten several. 

The kids had spent the morning arguing and fighting and got in trouble for it because they wouldn't stop even after some guidance and talking to. So they lost the fun day with friends we had planned. After that they quickly turned their day around and Mac with out being told made him and his sister oatmeal and I found him reading to her at the table. Being a mean mommy has its rewards sometimes. 

To help us enjoy and be kinder to each other we went and did something fun just us. We went to the park to help Oak try out her skate board for the first time and to ride bikes. 

They had fun riding their bikes down the hill over the curb. 

On the way home we had to get gas and the kids wanted to clean the very dirty windshield. 

Oak helping me paint for our house project. 

In progress...

More in progress...

Went from dark  gray to light gray. Love it! It's so hard to pick out a gray.

One morning I noticed these two things on my bed. It made me smile even with how naughty my kids were being that day. The bear is Oak's special thing and the blanket is Mac's. It just reminded me that they are still little even though it seems that they are growing up way too fast. 

In progress...

In progesss....

Oak's birth grandparents came to town for Oak's early birthday and for Mac's baptism. They got her this camera which I am just a bit jealous of. It's so fun. Although she has gone through like ten things of film and they are expensive. 

She also got spurs, a new lasso and a belt buckle. She is totally set up to be a cowgirl. 

Beautiful rainbow and thunderstorm out our back door. 

Grandma W got these cool barretts that change color in the sun. 

Mac opening gifts for his baptism. 

The W guys sitting and talking. Love it! It was SO much fun having so much family visiting for Mac's baptism. I loved every second. Even if I was way exhausted after everyone left. 

All the cousins loved Gloria. 

Love this cute niece of mine. 

The cousins spent so much time sitting here creating with Perler beads. We ironed probably 50 things. They loved it!

Saturday night we went to the park to get some energy out. 

girl cousins!

Loved looking over and seeing my father-in-law swinging. He's a great man. 

So my mom went on a trip and had stopped in a little town named Oakley, Idaho to do some research on an ancestor named Gobo Fango. Who I guess is a legend in this little town. They went to the museum there and the lady copied off everything she had on this guy. When I was looking at the papers my mom had I immediatly recognized the name of the person who wrote it. I have never met her in real life but have become internet friends with her because she an LDS adoptive mom. She also happens to be a relative of family friends of our that I grew up with. It was just a funny coincidence. 
A quick story about who Gobo Fango is...
My mother's great great great grandparents on her father's side were baptized and then went on a mission to africa. A little african boy was safely "abandoned" by his mother (at three years old) because of the circumstance of war going on where they were at. His mother told my relatives about him and asked him to go and get him and adopt him. They did and they they snuck him under my relatives dress on the ship back to the US. They ended up moving to Idaho and he was the first black person to live there. When he grew up he was murdered by a neighbor. He never got married or had any kids. 

Sunday 32

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