Sunday, August 21, 2016

school shopping and boom boxes...

There are massive spiderwebs every where here and giant spiders to along with them. I think this is an orb spider. They are HUGE.

The kids have really LOVED their boom boxes. They actually enjoy staying in their rooms listening to audio books for hours at a time. 

The kids started swim lessons again. 

We drove over to Medford for school clothes shopping. When we got home the kids had fun doing a fashion show for us. 


I loved that they found props for their runway debut.

Cute kids in their favorite picks. 

Just being a goofball. We need to get this boy a bunk bed for his room. Hoping to do that in the next year. 

Oak started listening to Anne of Green Gables on her boom box and loved it! She would run out every little bit and tell me what happened.

My Mister fell and hurt his shoulder a while ago. He has pretty much been in constant pain for months. We have tried everything. Here he was trying some exercises to help it and Mac joined in. 

Oak's birthmom painted this canvas for her birthday. We found a good spot for it and got it hung. 

Sunday 34

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