Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Just some random for the week...

My Mister came into Primary to just visit (he's in Bishopric and in charge of primary) and Mac got up and sat by him. I just thought it was so cute them both sitting there in their suits. Handsome boys of mine. 

Grandma C got Oak this stuffed chicken for her birthday. Isn't it so cute!?!

Mac has loved watching the Olympics. He's not really a sports kid so it is fun to see him enjoy watching.

She wanted to have a tea party with me. 

Some friends of ours were wanting to get rid of their electric piano and offered it to us for FREE. Heck yes! 

Our biggest, normal and smallest egg. The biggest is a double yoker and the smallest the size of a large marble had no yoke at all. 

Oak finally got in her last horse back riding lesson. She was pretty hesitant (because of her fall), so her teacher just let her lead the horse and groom her. 

School supply shopping and the kids insisted I take a picture.

My hubby loves to garden. Here is one of his oversized radishes. 

Oak the chicken whisperer. Gloria just layed like that until Oak picked her up. 

Sunday 33

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