Saturday, August 13, 2016

Oak turns SIX!

Oak chose bats as her birthday theme (love!), going out to breakfast to Black Bear Diner (her favorite restaurant), playing at Lake of the Woods and pizza for dinner. 

Mac always loves to help decorate for her birthday the night before. My kids always look forward to our tradition of balloons on their bedroom floor and streamers on their door. 

Woke up to her presents and she wanted to open them immediately. Which was 6;30am. Anything for the birthday girl. 

Her in her birthday bat shirt. I have a tradition of getting her a special shirt to wear for her birthday. 

Playing with her new legos she bought with her birthday money. 

Mom and dad got her a big box of crayons. She was so excited and has loved using them. 

When we went to breakfast we told them it was her birthday and they brought out her breakfast with a candle and a song. She loved it but was a little embarrassed. 

Lake of the Woods. 

Oak's birthmom came to spend the day with us. 

Of course ice cream as we were leaving the lake. 

This kid is pretty well know to always have food on his face. 

Her bat cake. 

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