Sunday, November 15, 2015

Sunday Gratitude...forty-six...

I am grateful...

...for the primary program. It is always a special Sunday.

...for when it is NOT snowing. I hate messy, unsafe roads. Unfortunately we live in a place that makes this happen all winter. have a warm, safe place to be with my family when its cold and snowy, realized that saying NO the first time Hubs asked me to marry him was wrong and then ended up telling him yes a couple weeks later, 15 years ago on the 17th. 

...that Hubs waited for me to be comfortable with getting married and that he never pressured me or got frustrated with me over saying no to him. 

...for the start of a new week, although this one is going to be crazy! be teaching in primary. I am shocked that I am saying that, because I cried when they called me. I was really hoping to get a calling where I could still go to Relief Society. I have been in Primary for about 13 of the almost 15 years we have been married. 

...for the new adventure in teaching Senior Primary, which I have never taught in all my years in Primary. 

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