Sunday, August 2, 2015

The rest of our Utah trip and back home...

I consider this lady to be one of my greatest and truest friends. We became friends while we lived in Portland and during one of the hardest times in my life. Those years were incredibly difficult, yet when I look back, I have so many happy memories and it was also some of the best years of my life because of this lady. Anyway, I was able to go and see her and her beautiful new home and her so grown up kids. It is always a good day visiting with her.  

Just looking cute while at Five Guys. They didn't like the grilled cheese or hamburgers but they did love the peanuts.

Late Monday we headed up to my brothers cabin in the mountains. In the morning my brother let the kids help him raise the flag.

The kids loved the ATVs. 

I have never driven an ATV before so my brother patiently took me on a few rides to teach me.

Oak getting done with a ride with her big kid cousin Brenna.

My brother said the kids could carve their names on a tree on his property. Cousin Brenna helped Oak.

And I helped Mac.

They wore these pretty much all the time. 

After some practice, my brother gave me the okay to take my kids out by myself. 

My brother and his wife built this cabin entirely by themselves. It's beautiful.

Wednesday night we went to my sister's house for dinner. They have birds and Oak loved the birds. She was terrified of them also. She was trying to be so brave with it on her shoulder. 

After several attempts to have my kids take a picture of us which only ended up with a million picture of themselves or something else because my kids were being goofy, we had my niece take a picture of us. We were laughing hysterically my kids antics. 

My niece works at here and she got us in free. It was hot and way too many people but we had alot of fun. Oak even went down some of the big kid slides by herself. 

Friday we spent the day driving home so we could be home with daddy on Saturday. We ended up going to the local Air Force Base for a big open house event and we got to see some jets up close. We get to see the jets flying all the time over our town and we love it. 

It was SO HOT!

Snow cones were in order. 

Daddy needed to conduct some baptisms. Since Mac will be turning eight in December we had Mac go with him. They looked so handsome. 

There are a few fires in Oregon and the with the winds it has led to very smokey conditions. Like hazardous for to breath. It is 80 degrees in our house and we have no air conditioning and we can't open the windows because of the smoke. It was a miserable night let me tell you. 

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