Wednesday, August 12, 2015


There are so many things I can say about this girl at the age of five. First off, she is pretty much amazing. And if I had to pick a daughter out of all the girls in the world, it would definitely be her. 

She really has an amazing smile as you can tell. She makes everyone smile in return. Everyone she comes in contact with loves her. 

She has become quite attached to mommy and daddy lately. Her separation anxiety has escalated. I'm actually trying to take advantage of it with more snuggles and hand holding. 

She loves to laugh! Seriously! She loves to be silly and say silly things and then just laugh and laugh about it.

She is a lover. She just loves people, babies, animals, nature, food, helping, reading books, stuffed animals.

She is still pretty attached to her bear. 

She says the most beautiful, thoughtful prayers. But doesn't always like to say them when asked. 
She doesn't like to cry in front of people. And has a sensitive heart when someone is hurt.

Seriously cute, right?!

She is obviously big for her age like she always has been. She doesn't go to the doctor for a couple of weeks, but I wouldn't doubt if she was above the 95% for everything. She has never been below that. She is almost as tall as big brother and wears size 7 clothes and size 11 shoes. Her hair is very long and curly still. 

She loves to run and move and exercise. She loves to help around the house except for folding and putting away her clothes.

She is very smart. She is probably about at a end of kindergarten level for everything. She can read three letter words like CVC words. She is starting to figure math out really well. She never forgets anything and just has a crazy good memory.

She makes friends easily and loves to talk to others and tell them everything about her. She asks questions constantly. Sometimes repeating the same question expecting a different answer I guess.

She most definitely was born to sparkle.

She is loved and adored by her family and birth family and all that know her. 

Last year I realized I had taken a similar picture for her third birthday so now I have made it a tradition. These will be fun to look at over the years. 

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