Friday, January 4, 2013

High Five!!!

Love this little boy and the peanut butter smudges on his cheek. 
I could eat him up!!
 This handsome little boy of mine has been quite difficult to parent the last two years. 
As trying and frustrating as the last two years have been, I would not trade it for anything! 
But I am SO HAPPY to say that since he has turned 5, he has grown up so much! 
It is like a switch went off in him and he is a completely different kid (in the behavior department, he is still his energetic, loud, funny self). 
He still has his moments, but mostly he is pretty easy going. 
He is understanding more about actions, responsibility, consequences, attitude, respect and obedience. 
He is also way more "go with the flow" then I have ever seen him. And his temper tantrums only really come when he is tired or doesn't want to clean his room (which is totally understandable :))

He is also playing better than ever with his sister, and having fun with her. And also playing by himself better. He has also made a change in the fact that he much rather be playing with his toys than watching a movie or  cartoons. The few times I actually turn on a cartoons, he ends up wandering to  his room and playing instead.  Love that!

Just TODAY he was having a difficult time staying in his room for quiet time. On his "third strike" I made him lay down and take a nap and he lost his privilege of playing on the iPad later. He took a nap and when he woke up he came to me and the first thing he said to me was, "Sorry Mom I wasn't good at staying in my room." Then after a few minutes of hugs and loves he asked me how he could earn back his privilege of playing on the iPad, instead of "can I play the iPad now". I was in utter shock!

And  the other day, Oak was screaming and yelling at him in her two year old girl fashion. And he calmly asked her to please stop yelling at him because he doesn't like it and it isn't nice. I about died when I over heard him say that to her. 

Difficult or not...
I am so glad that this little boy is ours forever!

1 comment:

Mostly Jessica said...

You mean I've got to wait one more year for Zach's switch to go off?!!!! He's been difficult for two years - I'm not sure how to handle another! Tell me your secrets :)