Sunday, June 24, 2012

First time swimming!

There is a swimming pool at the place where our family camp out was. And the weather, for the first time in many, many years was actually nice enough for swimming. I don't like to swim, so it never crossed my mind to bring Oak's swim suit. But cousin Brenna was insistent that she take Oak swimming. So I got a swim diaper from my cousin and Oak got to experience swimming for the first time ever. Yeah, I know lame that she is almost two and never been swimming. 
She was pretty hesitant at first, but once I got her feet in the water she was a bit more okay with it.

She finally let her cousin MaKenna hold her. But she had a death grip on her and wouldn't let Brenna touch her.

She then got comfortable enough to have a little fun.

When we finally had to get out, she was begging to swim more. Pretty sure she will love swimming once she gets used to the idea. She loves baths, and running though sprinklers and pretty much anything that has to do with water and getting wet (including dumping cups of water).

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