Thursday, May 17, 2012

Things Oak at 21 months...

She loves to sing and can sing pretty much by herself, ABCs, Itsy Bitsy Spider, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, I Am a Child of God, Teach Me To Walk In The Light, You Are My Sunshine, I Love To See The Temple, Wheels On The Bus, Head Shoulders Knees and Toes and I am sure more that I can't think of or don't know about.

She speaks in sentences with words in the right order for the most part. Like instead of "Shoes on Oak" she will say, "Put on Oak's shoes".

She can count to 11 by herself and can get to 20 with a little help.

She is really great at mimicking everything. She will mimic anything she hears someone say, and she will mimic how you are sitting or standing, or laying down.

She loves to announce what belongs to who and is really into possession.

She says "GO AWAY!" ALOT. And she knows she isn't supposed to.

She is still quite the mess maker. With food, toys, or anything she can get her hands on. We call her our little tornado.

She is a great eater and will eat pretty much everything. She LOVES grapes and cauliflower the most. But really loves all fruit the most.

She still drinks a sippy of milk in the morning, but drinks water the rest of the day.

She loves to follow around her big brother and pester him any way she can. She also really loves to wrestle or rough house with him.

She thinks she is a big kid and will follow around the big kids and try to do what they do. Most recently she has figured out how to ride a scooter correctly.

She is wearing size 3T in almost everything, although she has a pair of jeans and a few pair jammies that are 24 months. She weighs 31 lbs. and 35 inches tall.

She knows how to unlock my phone and find the pictures to look at all by herself. She really is obsessed with phones, and she will be your fast friend if you let her play with your phone.

She loves balls and especially basketballs and anything to do with it. I think we will get her a basketball hoop for her birthday.

She loves babies and animals. And loves all the neighborhood dogs.

She is a great sleeper and goes to bed at 8pm and wakes up about 6:30 pretty much every night. When she wakes up she just sings and talks to herself or most of the time we don't even know she is awake because she is so busy sucking her thumb.

She still doesn't fall asleep in the car unless we are on a long drive.

She takes one 3 hour nap a day.

Her hair is getting longer, and a bit thicker and is really curly.

She loves to brush her teeth and get her hair done. She always asks for a bow and to look in the mirror after you put a piggy in.

She isn't that great of a listener, especially when she knows she isn't supposed to do something.

She is still really attached to her Bear. But we are starting to make her leave it in the car when we go places and I don't let her take it outside as much. And the funny thing is is that she doesn't suck her thumb unless she has her bear.

I found her like this one day. It is the picture of our family in front of the Temple on her sealing day.

Happy to get to run through the sprinklers.

This is how I found Oak and Daddy one morning. So cute!!


jessica said...

Oh, i love that last picture of oak and bryce. it is so great!

Kelli said...

Cute, cute, cute!

rosie said...

i can't wait to meet this little girl!