Thursday, May 3, 2012

Mac and Oak funnies!

(mac was pretending to be a robot and he had buttons on his arm that made him do certain things. So daddy got the markers out and colored in buttons for him and then Oak needed to be in on the fun. They played with those buttons on their arms all morning.)

Oak has definitely joined in on the funnies lately. So here you go...


 Blowing bubbles and Oak chasing them saying, "hey, back here!!"

 I put her on the toilet this morning and told her to go pee pee (no we are not potty training her yet, just getting her comfortable). After a minute she says, "not working!" That made me laugh so she started laughing and said, "I silly!!"

 During church today every time she would tell me she wanted a snack/cookie she would imitate "whispering in someones ear" except that she would put her mouth right on my mouth (like a kiss) and say "i want a cookie". It made me laugh everytime because I knew what she was trying to do.

 We were building with mega blocks. And she destroyed the little building we made and she says " Ah man!! I lost it!" lol

I just sneezed and Oak yells from the other room, "Are you okay Mama?"


 *he was looking at a book about sharks, he showed me one of the pictures and I asked if it was shark (it didn't really look like one from the distance I was at) and Mac says "it's a shark mom, It's a SHARK book."

 * Mac was asked to clean up his Lincoln Logs and then his room before he could watch a movie. As he was cleaning up his Lincoln Logs he ended up playing with them again and was being creative and having fun so I didn't bug him about getting them cleaned up and just let him play (much rather him do that than watch a movie). A little while later he comes to me and says, "Mom, you lied (not sure that is the word he meant) to me and just let me play instead of getting my toys and room cleaned up!" So I guess he was mad that his movie was delayed because I let him play instead of clean up. Go figure!!

  *"Mommy, I love you. When I get bigger I want to marry you." Melt me! Love that boy of mine.

 *he was looking at a book about sharks, he showed me one of the pictures and I asked if it was shark (it didn't really look like one from the distance I was at) and Mac says "it's a shark mom, It's a SHARK book.".

*Oak took something away from Mac...
(all of this said in a kind, gentle voice)
Mac: Oak, you go sit on the couch in time out...(He leads her to the couch and she sits).
Mac: Do we hit?
Oak: no
Mac: Does hitting hurt people?
Oak: yes
Mac: Does it make Jesus happy when we hit?
Oak: no
Mac: Do we follow the prophet when we hit?
Oak: No
Mac: Okay, you stay here until I come and get you.

( He actually went through this question ritual with her a few times inserting different crimes each time. It became a game or playing more than him actually punishing her.)
Oh my word, Bryce and I were dying listening to this conversation. I guess you can tell how we discipline, except for the gentle voice part. Pretty sure my voice isn't gentle when my kids are not being nice to each other :)

*Mac got sent to his room because he was throwing a fit about getting dressed. He was in there a few minutes and then opened the door and yelled at me to bring his clothes then slammed the door then opened the door and then yelled "please!" and then slammed his door shut again. I brought him his clothes and I shut his door then a second later he opens the door and yells at me "thank you!" then slams the door shut again. Loved that amidst his temper tantrum he found it in him to still be polite. And made for some great comic relief for me in a frustrating moment.

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