Saturday, May 12, 2012

Birthmother's Day

Today is Birthmother's day. A day to celebrate those who have selflessly sacrificed for their babies and placed them, through adoption, with loving, forever families. I love and adore and am eternally grateful for my children's birth mothers. I am incredibly in awe of them and the beauty they posses inside and out. I celebrate them today and tomorrow. My love also goes out to a few friends that are Birthmother's and to all Birthmothers.

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

Tears. I am always in awe of your relationship with the birthmothers in your life. Our road of adoption didn't afford us the same circumstances and opportunities your did... BUT I have said that IF we are blessed by adoption again, we will try for an open plan (as long as it is safe for the child(ren)).
Happy Mother's Day to you Brenley!