Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Valentine's Day

I have to say that this Valentine's Day was one of the best ever! Mac is just at a fun age to really understand holidays and get excited about them and my Hubs went all out. It just was a really fun day!

So I gave Mac a few options of what he wanted for his V-day cards to take to Preschool. He chose this one and was so cooperative and wanted to help with it all. He LOVED it!! He was so excited to have a party at school and take his Valentines. And he had alot of fun and enjoyed all the treats when he got home.

Oak wasn't quite as cooperative for her Valentines but they still turned out way cute! At first I thought it would be easy to find lip shaped chocolates, but after searching a few stores I realized it was not going to be easy. I then had an epiphany of sorts and remembered the Winco has candy bins. And I about did the happy dance when I actually found them there.

I had got little gifts for the kids and set them out on the table with their little mail boxes full of candy and a love note from Mommy and Daddy. It was so fun and cute to see them get excited about it all in the morning. And I got Hubs a bag of sugar free dove chocolates, which he LOVED! He said he had them eaten before he got to work. I also made cinnamon rolls (Mac's favorite) and made pink frosting.
After preschool and lunch my mom and I also took the kids to the Mall to play at the playground there. And I made Mexican stuffed pasta for dinner, YUM!  

My parents brought me beautiful yellow tulips! Loved having fresh flowers in my house!

And Hubs TOTALLY surprised me with having flowers sent to me. I seriously was shocked and initially didn't think they were from him. I thought that they were from my Dad because my mom (who was staying with us) got a bouquet of flowers also from my Dad. But they were from my sweet, handsome husband. Funny thing was Mac misunderstood my shock for being mad at Daddy. Mac kept on saying, "You better tell daddy that you are mad he sent you flowers!" It was funny! I tried to reassure him that I was SO HAPPY that he did that and that all girls love to get flowers from their boys. Hubs also sent me sweet texts through out the day with things he loves about me. It was so sweet and my favorite Valentine's gift. Then we got to go out to a movie that night.


Whitney said...

Those are the cutest Valentines EVER! So clever!

Desiree said...

Those valentine's turned out adorable! Aric got one of the same kind from a friend and he loved getting the picture with a sucker, carried it around with him everywhere.