Wednesday, February 8, 2012

I could...but I won't...

I could talk about...

how after two years of feeling fine about my infertility I had a moment last week where it stung a bit.

But I won't.

I could talk about...

how after my little infertility sting, my week got gradually worse and worse. But then it got better!

But I won't.

I could talk about...

how we have instituted a new family rule in our home called "Work then play!" And how great and hard it has been.

But I won't.

I could talk about...

how Mac has been more tough at age four than he was at age three.

But I won't.

I could talk about...

how busy season is starting for my husband and how much I truly dread February through April.

But I won't.

I could talk about how I made a goal to make dinner more often and to sit down as a family for dinner every night.

But I won't.


share some of the new recipes I have made that we love...


I will...

post about the date Mac and I went on...


I will...

post an update on how our adoption paperwork is going...


I will...

tell you that I haven't felt like blogging. I love blogging, so I hope I get out of this blogging funk soon.

And I will share these pics from playing at the park last week...


FarrEver Family said...

I am glad to know that you were in a funk, I was getting worried when you didn't update your blog. Sorry things have been down, but I am glad to hear they are getting better.
You can come live in Utah Feb to May if u want! I would love that!
My prayers will be with you!

Desiree said...

Oh, the blogging funk...I have those every once in a while too. I love it (blogging), and I have so much I could blog about, but then when I come to do it it all feels so unimportant. Cute post.

Unknown said...

great post! glad you are back. I love reading about your cute family!