Thursday, July 1, 2010

Cell phone pics over the last few months...

A face that Mac drew on his own with sidewalk chalk.

Helping Daddy water the grass. Happy to say that it is much thicker now, and we just mowed it yesterday for the first time. Still has a ways to go though!
Mac has no fear of bugs and such, and when we find them he loves to hold them.

His silly face.

Playing with a rolly ploy (potato bug).

We went to a car show in my parents town.

Mac got to sit in this race car at the car show. 

Happy pancakes! Mac thought it was the coolest thing ever and didn't want me to cut it up to eat. He did end up eating it on his own.

At our family campout. Mac was pulling the wagon with Hubs in it, strong kid! Then right after this he told his daddy that he was too big to ride in the wagon.

(Utah) trying on grandma's glasses with cousin Hannah.

Trying his jam sandwhich with applesauce on it.

(Utah) Playing with his Uncle Ryan's dog Abe.

Reading Nemo with Grandma Cammy.

Drinking hot chocolate after puddle jumping and a warm bath.

His LONG eyelashes, which people have been commenting on alot lately.

Drinking smoothies for FHE.

"snuggling" after Sunday naps.

1 comment:

Jenni said...

Looks like you are having a fun summer! Isn't it flying by fast! This week will be busy with David's family in town for a reunion. Hopefully, some time after that we can get together. We miss seeing you guys!