Monday, July 12, 2010

Grateful Sunday...

I am grateful...
01 . for the power of the Atonement, what an amazing gift, especially since none of us are perfect.
02 . for the power of the priesthood and that my husband holds and honors it so that we may have that blessing in our home.
03 . for the power of prayer, He listens and He answers.
04 . for the promptings of the spirit that help guide me as a mother to my children.
05 . for Birthmothers, what a huge sacrifice they make that will be a part of their life every single day.
06 . for C and our future Birthmothers.
07 . to see my brother C and his family for the first time in years. I am so excited to spend the week with them!
08 . to live in a country where we have many freedoms and where we have men and women who risk their lives everyday to make that happen.
09 . that happiness is a choice, and I can make that choice for myself every single day.
10 . for my beautiful little family!

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