Sunday, December 6, 2009


family pics oct 09

I am a little late on posting what I am thankful for. November both flew by and drug on, I mostly feel like I was in a haze for the whole month from being sick and so busy at the same time.
But I truly feel that we should look at what we are thankful for every single day.
So here is what I am most thankful for...
First off, the picture above actually represents what I am truly most thankful for everyday of my life. MY LITTLE FAMILY! My day is dedicated to these two handsome young men in my life, and I wouldn't have it any other way. I LOVE being the love of my husband's life and I LOVE being my baby boy's Mommy! It really is a dream come every way! Not only do I live every day for my boys, but I live forever for them. I get to keep these two FOREVER. I am one lucky girl!

I am so thankful for my Hubs! He is my love, my best friend, my eternal companion, and the best Father to our children. I am so grateful that he loves us, that he works hard everyday for us, that he loves to come home to us, and that he always wants to be with us. Once again, I am one lucky girl!

I am so thankful to not just be a Mommy, which I waited so long for, but that I get to be Mac's Mommy. I love spending my days with my little Mister. I love teaching him, and playing with him, and watching him learn, laugh, and love me and his Daddy. I am so thankful that Hubs has made it possible for me to stay home with our kids.

I am so thankful for Mac's Birthmother and her never ending love for Mac and us. I love hearing from her so much, and knowing how she is doing. I am so thankful that Mac has her. I am so thankful for the incredibly hard decision she made for Mac, for what she wanted to give Mac. Not a day goes by that we don't think about her or pray for her.

I am so thankful for adoption. With out it I would not be a Mother right now. It has been the most incredible experience, and I feel truly lucky that it is a part of my life and that it was always meant to be apart of our Heavenly Father's plan for me. I am grateful for what it has taught me and given me.
I am thankful for trials, my trials. I know saying this confuses most people, but there is a reason behind it. I am thankful for the person that my trials have made me into, and what I have learned from them. I am thankful that I know that through these trials that my Heavenly Father loves me and has not forgotten me, and that he knows I am strong enough to handle the trials that I face. And I have been so richly blessed through every single trial.
I am thankful for the knowledge I have that I am a child of God!
I am thankful for family. That we are surrounded by people who love us and support us. I am thankful that Mac will get to grow up around family and know that he is loved.
There are a million more things that I am eternally grateful for, but I would never get this posted if I tried to get them all down.

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