Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Happy BIRTHday!

Mac the morning of his birthday!

Mac's actual birthday was pretty lax. We ended up being stuck at home because Hubs took the car with the car seat. But as you can see Mac was acting very "two" getting into everything, it was very cute!

When daddy got home from work they sat down and watched a movie and Mac gave him the play by play of what was happening in it.

Grandma and Mac

We did end up taking him to a pizza place that has a carousel. We told him that we were going to go eat pizza (which is one of his favorites) and go on a horsey ride. All the way to the restaurant he kept on talking about the horsey ride, and every time we would mention that we were going to eat pizza too he would say, "NO! Horsey ride!"

The horsey ride was a different story. I couldn't really tell whether he really liked it or not. He just clung to the post and kept his face smashed up against it.

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