Wednesday, July 29, 2009

another HOT one!

This is how we cooled off last night!
Boy is this boy white!
We did this for a little while until we were being attacked by a bee. Mac thought me dancing around trying to get away from the bee was pretty funny, he was laughing hysterically.
Oh and the nice scab on his forehead is from him spinning himself around and then going head first on the cement when he got dizzy.
Also, this is the new deck that the owner of our duplex just built. It makes the back yard actually usuable now. And we get shade back there in the evenings, perfect!

july 09

july 09

july 09

july 09

july 09

july 09

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

Love the swimmer diaper with sandals. Very cute. Good ole Tupperware ~ gotta love it...