...Mac has come into FULL toddler hood!
Oh my goodness has he ever!
(sorry about the cell phone pics, my camera was upstairs by the computer.)
(sorry about the cell phone pics, my camera was upstairs by the computer.)

I have this feeling he is going to be a climber, oh brother!

Mac is sitting on the floor by the table with the can of pears I had been feeding him for dinner(I had obviously left it with in hands reach on the table). Thankfully the jagged, sharp lid was pushed down into the can. As I ran to grab it from him, he dumped the can over, leaving a big puddle of pear juice. He was covered in it as was the floor. I pulled him away and he comes back to splash and play in the sticky juice.
Now for the explanation of the picture above...
as I was trying to clean up the sticky pear juice (all of my kitchen towels were in the dryer so I had to use Mac's bath towel that was sitting on the couch). I look over at Mac, who had just grabbed the container of rice and veggies he had just eaten for dinner (I had also obviously left it with in hands reach on the table). He was trying to eat the leftovers with the spoon and spilling it all over the floor.
Thankfully I was in a good mood, as Mac has actually been in a good mood all day. So I was laughing hysterically, and Mac was too, because he always laughs when someone else is laughing.

And to just get something else down that he was doing tonight that was cute...
he was walking and running around the house saying something that sounded like he was saying "ready, set, GO!" but in his own jibberish language. When he would get to the GO part he would start running. I was thinking where on earth did he get that, I really have no clue! So I then started saying "ready, set..." and he would yell out "GO!"
What a smart boy!
He has also picked up on saying "no way!" This is mostly due to me playing with him and I will act like I am giving him something and then will take it back and say "no way". He LOVES that game.
Welcome to the club! It's so much fun!
McCoy is just adorable!! He is growing up so fast! I love how detailed you are with your Things McCoys posts!! I look up to you! And your pictures are awesome! I love your photo blog!
oh yes.... the climbing and the messes. i can relate 1 million percent! sometimes they are even cuter with the messes though! although i'm getting really tired of the climbing- i feel like i'm going to have a heartattack every day!
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