Saturday, March 7, 2009

the good and not so good of February...

good...we got our taxes done(and thanks to Mac and his adoption costs, we will get everything back! YAHOO!)

bad...both Mac and I had the flu

good...I got to go on a couple of dates with my cute hubby thanks to Grandma season is only half over, blah! (i guess this could be a good too)

good...Mac is a full time walker

bad...Mac thinks it is ok to wake up at 5am, ugh really expensive migraine medication is now in generic form so we will now save $40 a month

bad...Mac has learned to climb over my barrier to the dining room and kitchen

good...because of all the overtime Hubs is putting in he will have about 5-6 weeks vacation to use up after tax season is over.

bad...our CD burner doesn't work on our computer, dang!

good...I had almost half of my money budgeted (for our envelope budgeting) left at the end of the month. (this is mostly due to not going anywhere for two weeks while I and Mac were sick.) heals keep on cracking and bleeding, it hurts! (I inherited really dry feet from my mother)

good...C called me last week. I love talking to that girl!

bad...I have been lonely and bored because I don't have any friends around here that I feel like I can just call up and see if they want to get together.

good...I have had alot of cool experiences to do with adoption recently. (hopefully I will get around to posting about that)

bad... having a hard time finding stuff for Mac to eat...picky plus allergic to milk equals frustrating!

good...Hubs was called to be the 1st counselor in the Spanish Branch Presidency

(the great thing about this post is that I really had to think hard to come up with some of the "bad".)


Jen said...

I am with you on the cracking feet! Colorado has really dried me out! I am glad you had some great GOOD things that have happened.

Heather said...

I miss you and if we were there I would totally hang out with you!! When are you guys going to come through again?