Thursday, March 5, 2009


cute boy...
McCoy 14.5 months
those eyelashes...

McCoy 14.5 months
and that smile!
I can't get enough!


Marc and Megan said...

It has been such a long time since I've left a comment to let you know that I'm still keeping up with you. I feel lucky to have been able to watch McCoy slowly get bigger and older. He is such a handsome little guy. I love getting a glimpse of how you love and adore him. He is so so lucky to have you!

I also wanted to thank you for the love and support you've offered us. It really means a lot and I appreciate your words of encouragement so much. I don't know when our time will come, or how, but I hope to have all the joy and love that I see in you as a Mother. It is really a joy to watch how easily you and Bryce have both fit into the role as doting parents.

Ron and Jessica said...

I love that second one of his looks like they're burning with curiosity!