Saturday, March 7, 2009

Friday and Saturday...

I called my friend J and her two boys to go and play at the park with us. There was a nice break in the rain and it wasn't too cold. This was Mac's first time at the park since he can actually walk and climb. This kid doesn't stop...I was chasing after him constantly. He loved going down the slide, but he loved running to the dogs that everyone seemed to have. It was very tiring, but nice that Mac could actually play. I also tried to not be to uptight about how dirty Mac was getting, although it was really bothering me. He came home filthy and I just let that be ok. It was also very nice to be with friends.

McCoy ~ 14.5 months

McCoy ~ 14.5 months

McCoy ~ 14.5 months

McCoy ~ 14.5 months

McCoy ~ 14.5 months
Oh, we just had the most wonderful day! Hubs and I were able to leave Mac with my parents and we went up to Portland to go to the Temple. Hubs had to be at the Temple for youth baptisms already, so we just went a little earlier to catch a session. I saw so many people that I know there, I loved it. After our session we went and ate in the cafeteria and then met up with the Ward/Branch for baptisms. They didn't need my help so I left and went to the book store and Babies R Us. And got back to the Temple just in time for Hubs to walk out. Then we drove home. It was nice to sit and talk with Hubs non stop on our car ride there and back home. I think I talked his ear off. The day was just low key, no rush, went perfect, and quality time with my cute Hubs. It was all much needed! But we were so glad to get back to our cute little guy, who looked like he had grown up in the entire day we were away. He loves his grandma and grandpa, and especially loves grandpa old Model A Ford. He can't get enough of that thing. This kids is seriously big into cars, it is crazy!
Now we are ready for our busy, chaotic, tiring Sunday of teaching, and wrangling Mac through Primary and Sacrament Meeting.


Amy said...

Woo! Look at that hair growing in the back! There may be hope for him yet. :)

I just adore the pictures. He's SUCH a handsome little mister.

Matt and Christy said...

We enjoyed the weather on Friday, too! You are going to love the parks around here this summer. The summer after Elijah started walking was so much fun! The park was a daily excursion (sometimes twice a day!). I know how you feel about not having close friends to just call up to get together. I feel the same way, but I always feel like I'm imposing on people. Let me know if you ever want to get together!

Emily said...

You're so lucky that he does so well at the park. Easton STILL has a hard time with it, but is getting better.

I'm glad yo had a nice day of weather and friends.

My parents were at the temple yesterday with the mitchells...did you see them?