Monday, March 16, 2009

a THINGS Mac quicky!

McCoy 15 months
I just needed to jot down a few things before I forget...
Mac is 15 months old:
This week he has finally figured out how to tilt his head back to drink from a sippy or a cup. And he has also figured out how to stand himself up without any assistance.
Tonight he was getting all excited that we were excited about him standing himself up that he started turning himself in circles. It was too funny! Hubs and I were laughing so hard, and when anyone laughs he has to join in. So he would stop twirling and look at us and laugh with his hand on his mouth. I was so upset when I went to get our video camera and the battery was dead.
When you ask Mac a question he ALWAYS responds with "no" and shakes his head at the same time.
He can say "pancake" and "oatmeal" perfectly.
He is constantly asking to take a bath. He says "ba" and also signs it the best he can.
He has become VERY clingy lately. Which I both love and dislike at times.
Even though he is still 3 months away from nursery, with approval from the nursery leaders, I left Mac in Nursery for just a little while last week. I needed to teach my lesson and I couldn't find Hubs. Come to find out Mac is not much of a fan when he realizes that I am not there. He doesn't get hysterical I guess but he becomes clingy to the leaders and wants to be held the whole time. The same thing happened when I left him in the nursery during out Enrichment RS Birthday on Saturday. I thought Mac would be a piece of cake when it finally came his turn, I hope things change by then because I won't be able to stay in there with him.
He has grown an attachment to the blanket I made him for Christmas. Almost every time I go and get him from his crib he will hand me the blanket then put his arms out for me.
He suprised me the other day looking at a book with an owl in it and pointed to it and said "hooo". I was shocked, except that I shouldnt be, because this is how randomly he has picked up on all his animal sounds. I may show him an animal once or twice and tell him the sound than randomly a week or more later he will remember what I showed him and say the sound perfectly, usually without me asking.
He has been saying "bampa" (grandpa) non-stop since we visited my parents last week.
He has a serious obsession with cars and trucks and now trains. Animals and animal sounds are old news to him. He has a book that has pictures of farm stuff, mostly animals. But there is one spread of pages that has a tractor and combine harvester and when he gets to that page he always gets excited and looks at it forever. I also always find the book open to that page alot.
Mac is as cute as ever. I am loving this age except for the "tantrum" days, and those have been pretty few and far between. Today happened to be one of those days.


Our Pratt Pack said...

We snuck Boston into Nursery early and he was the same way. Then we let him take his Didi ( blanket) with him. He doesn't cry anymore but in our old ward he would just sit on a chair with it and watch all the other kids the whole time, I thought it was sad. He must like the kids in our new ward though because after 2 wks of tears I'm happy to announce he has become quite the Nursery Socialite.

Julee and Matt said...

Macee still hates going to nursery. Matt has to go with her and try to sneak out. He will get use to it and I can't believe that he is almost old enough to go in. He is growing up way to fast!