Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Things Mac...

The 11 1/2 Month edition...

Mac is really changing and learning so much. He makes me laugh a lot, and he just is quite the character. I wish most people could see how he acts at home, because it is totally different than when we go anywhere. It always takes him time to get used to being somewhere else besides home. And when he finally gets comfortable he just has a lot of fun. Love this boy!
So here are some things as of late, so that I don't forget!
  • Just yesterday he stated pointing to his eye when we ask him to. Sometimes he will point to his ear or nose, but most of the time he gets it right.
  • He loves to play ball. He is good at rolling it back, but loves to throw it more.
  • He just started signing EAT this last week.
  • He loves to throw anything he can get his hands on. He prefers to throw when he has one thing in each hand, I guess it is more fun that way. And then he will keep picking what ever it is up and and throwing it again.
  • He is getting to be a pretty good problem solver, he doesn't let much get in the way of what he wants. If something rolls under the entertainment center, he will lay on his tummy and look under there then start reaching until he gets it.
  • This week he all of a sudden loves to say and wave HI and BYE.
  • When I ask him to say a word, he usually will try. Although it doesn't sound much like the word, but you can tell that that is what he is trying to do.
  • He can copy sounds we make, or the sounds letters make from Leap Frogs Letter Factory.
  • He LOVES cars and trucks and anything with wheels or makes a really loud sound. When he sees on TV or outside or in his book, or even when he is playing with them, he will make a vrooming sound that most of the time sounds like a grunt.
  • He loves to play with anything and everything that he can't or shouldn't play with. This keeps me busy all day long.
  • He refuses to drink his milk from a sippy cup. If I give him one during the day, he just bites on it and makes a huge mess. And if I try to give him one when he wakes up at 4am he throws a complete fit, and it takes him awhile to calm down enough to take his actually bottle.
  • He has been a trooper with taking his naps and going to bed at night without a bottle. He has done this all week.
  • He LOVES blankets and cuddling with them, or attacking them by rolling and biting them.
  • He is getting really good at independent play. He will play with his toys by himself for sometimes a half hour.
  • He loves books, sometimes more than toys. He loves to turn the pages and point to everything. Some days he won't get a single toy out of his baskets. He will pull every book out of the book basket and look at them all day. Today has been one of those days.
  • He loves to carry things around in his mouth when he is crawling around.
  • He is a gagger (just like me). And he has a sensitive stomach to it. He will throw up sometimes just because he has gagged on medicine or what ever it is. Sometime just putting his bottle in his mouth makes him gag. He has had a bad cough this last week and the first few days he was throwing up when he would get a bad fit, because either he would cough so hard, or the yucky stuff at the back of his throat would do it.
  • He LOVES his Daddy. When Hubs gets home from work, Mac gets the biggest smile and then becomes really clinging to him. He won't let Hubs out of his sight. He get whiny when he can't see him or if Hubs walks right by him and doesn't pick him up.
  • He has all of a sudden decided that it is ok to walk with his push toy. He has refused to even try it until this week. He also still refuses to try to stand on his own, it scares him a little I think.
Here are some pictures to prove some of the above mentioned!


Desiree said...

What fun, he sounds like such a fun little boy to be around all day. I look forward to little Aric getting to this age, it's fun to see their personalities really take flight. I love his little blanket, peek a boo!

Leisha said...

He is edibly delicious! Those eyes!

Kim said...

I love all of the pictures. He's really growing into a cute little boy. :o) I especially the books picture. Oh...and GO DUCKS! :o)

Brynne, Aaron and Cade said...

What a cute kid! I've missed your blog and am so glad I peeked in today to see some great pictures of that darling boy. can't believe he'll be 1 soon. So crazy! Poor rashy cheeks and bummy cheeks but cute cute anyways! I love the comment from the hippie dude. Totally right on target! :)

Andy, Amy, Zach and Abby said...

That was a very fun/cute read all about McCoy! Can't believe he'll be ONE in a couple of weeks! And the pictures are so, so cute! He gets the greatest looks on his face! Full of personality, you can tell! :)