Sunday, June 21, 2015

Dancing, back yard fun, caterpillars and a family campout...

Watching TV on grandma's bed so I could get some stuff done.

We weren't totally moved in but it was hot and so we let the kids run in the sprinkler in their underwear. 

Oak helped daddy put her bed together. 

Playing in our new backyard. 

Both playing outside shirtless since theirs got wet in the sprinkler and we didn't have their clothes with us. 

Silly girl.

After our first night staying in our new house Hubs and I (and my MIL) went on an early morning walk up the hill behind our house. It was steep. And had a beautiful view.

My amazing in-laws came all the way down for the day to help us move. They were so much help! 

Smiley girl came in my bed to snuggle in the morning. 

Mac needed more shorts so for the first time I cut off some of his jeans to make shorts. They are so cute on him!

The kids are still getting used to the idea that they can go play in our backyard by themselves. One day I told them to go and play for a bit before they could come in and watch a movie for quiet time. They spent their whole time outside like this. So funny!

One evening the kids spent most of the evening climbing the apple tree in the backyard. There are huge rocks in the ground right below the tree so someone has to be right there with them. But they were in heaven. 

Then they found a caterpillar and had so much fun with it. You have to watch the videos they made below...

We went to the annual family campout that is for my mom's family. Her siblings and their children. It wasn't well attended but it was fun to see the cousins we did get to see. 

picking daisies.

My mom and two of her brothers. 

Cool kid!

My Uncle always brings his golf cart and gives rides to the kids. 

Oak got in my sleeping bag early and we were giggling.

The weather was nice enough to swim at the pool there. They pretty much swam all day. 

My Uncle paid Mac a dollar to wear his duck hat and let him take a picture. We are Beaver Believers here.

Mac making himself comfortable in the pool.

Oak saved an ant from the pool and then she was a bit obsessed with it. She loves bugs!

Swinging together.

Playing with her cute cousin. They are the same age and we try to get a picture of them together every year and they were not very cooperative. As moms we were joking about how we will look back at the pics of them together over the years and think about why we didn't get  a picture of them that one year and then remember oh thats right they were four. 

The last few years they have been playing bingo as a fund raiser for the next years campout. My kids love this.

Mac won the prize we brought and decided he would share with his cousin since we already owned alot of what was in the prize. 

Oak officially figured out pumping while we were at the campout. 

The kids loved playing in the sandpit. 

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