Sunday, May 4, 2014

Moving, swim lessons, and a new view...

I woke up sick with a terrible soar throat and generally not feeling good. It also happened to be moving day! When the kids found out I was sick they decided on their own to make me breakfast: homemade oatmeal and carrots. They wanted it to be healthy to make me feel better. It was so stinking cute and sweet.

Mac started up swim lessons again. The pool is indoors and I am excited to be able to do swim lessons all year round. I didn't put Oak in because I thought she would have a hard time with it, but I plan on putting her in the next session. 

Mac has lost a little bit of skill since last summer. I was able to swim by himself a few feet last summer and now he can't do that at all and he has lost some confidence. Last summer you couldn't keep his head out of the water and this time he hasn't wanted to put his head under as much. He has jumped off the diving board a few times. 

Oak built this Temple during quiet time. Cute!

Oak is super obsessed with doing her hair. I can do her hair and she will take it own not long after and do it herself. You rarely see her without a hair band and she is constantly putting ponytails in her own hair. 

I did a hard thing and gave to a great family (with a big brother and little sister) Mac and Oak's old clothes. It was a really hard thing for me to do. I wanted to cry MANY times but kept it back. 

Oak wearing a princess dress drawing Elsa's ice castle.

I really loved her drawing and her snowflakes. She is really a great artist for being just three. 

The large dirt pile across the street from our house. It was after dinner and right before bath time so I let them get as dirty as they wanted. 

We started back up with green smoothies. My kids love them as long as they aren't too sweet. 

The view from our back door now. I am in love with it. It is the same hills that turned golden at the apartment we just moved from. 

We didn't have the internet at our new place yet so I had to go back over to our apartment to get my lesson stuff saved to our computer so I could print it out. 

I don't remember what we were watching but Oak rarely sits still. She is constantly moving and doing something. She is the definition of the word "busy". But she sat so still while snuggling with daddy. 

I read a book to Mac that we got from the library about haunted caves and it intrigued him so much that we sat and had a long conversation together for about 30 minutes. He talked and talked and then would stop and think a minute then talk and talk some more. He had a million questions and thoughts and ideas. And it was just one of those moments I wanted to freeze him like that forever. 

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