Sunday, May 11, 2014

homeschool, cool missionaries, daddy out of town and mothers day...

I keep saying this but we haven't done a whole lot of homeschool. This week I thought I would step it up with a more relaxed style of homeschool. I tried to add some learning into a lot of the activities we did. And I actually really enjoy this, and works really great for my kindergartner and preschooler. 

Mac made some "cars" with these gears. He made a few different kinds and tried them on hard floors and on the carpet and talked about friction a bit. 

This was what we were playing with . 

The kids also, all on their own, made some patterns. We also did some math and counting. The kids loved it. 

Oak super cute in piggy braids. 

So we went to the grocery store and when we got out of the car there were two elders in the car next to us and we said hi to them. Then on our way into the store we saw two more walking towards the same car and we said hi to them also. When we got back to the car after shopping these CTR rings were wrapped around the door handle of our van. The kids love them. They are super cute rubbery, flexible rings and perfect for little kids. 

The kids had made a huge mess of the van so I made them clean it out and vacuum it out. 

The kids grabbed a huge pile of books for daddy to read to them. 

We got this clock/time book from the library. Mac has been interested in learning time lately. He found this clock in our stuff when we moved and has been playing with it and setting the time and telling me what time it is. (more "homeschool")

The kids were all snuggled under a blanket when we were catching up on our Granite Flats show. 

My two ginger snaps!

So daddy had to go out of town for one night which ended up being two nights. But I was planning on taking the kids out to breakfast for dinner and Mac lost that privilege so we couldn't go. I was bummed because I love breakfast for dinner and also I didn't want to make dinner since daddy was gone. So I had the bright idea to take the kids to the store and let them pick out their own dinner. It could be what ever they wanted! They of course both picked out cereal since I RARELY buy cereal and if I do I buy the non sugary stuff like cheerios or rice crispies. Can you tell they were excited?! We might have to make this a tradition when daddy is out of town.  

Bath time that night was pretty silly as they each made silly sounds in the tub when it was their turn and had each other giggling so loudly.

Then we decided to race cars down the stairs. The kids loved this and it was really fun! We ended up making a ramp at the bottom of the track and it was fun watching them fly off and hit the wall under the window. 

Chutes and ladders is not one of my favorite games. It is boring and long and just when you get to the top you have to start over and that is frustrating. This game happened to be a LONG one and when I finally won, Mac said, "Oh good! I was getting tired of playing." 

My kids seemed to be accident prone while daddy was gone. One night Oak jumped off the couch, landed on her feet but them fell backward to her bum and her tongue must of been sticking out and she bit it all the way across. It was bleeding pretty back and at first I thought I was going to have to take her to the urgent care but the bleeding stopped after a minute and Mac had her laughing and then it didn't look so bad. I was surprised when the next morning she it didn't hurt. 
The next day Mac cut the corner around the wing back chair and hit his temple pretty hard on the corner of the chair. He had a huge goose egg and now has a little scab.  
The next night we were sitting on my bed reading books and Oak was being wiggly and she fell off the bed, I went to catch her and instead scratched her arm with my nail and it was bad enough that it was bleeding pretty good. 

We found a park we hadn't been to yet. 

This is what tacos looks like for Oak. She doesn't like tortillas that much. She actually ended up eating three helpings just like this. And Mac who loves tacos had like four tacos plus just some taco meet and salad after that. I had to cut them off instead of them telling me they were done. Tuesday Taco night is a dinner success in our house. 

Mac jumping off the dive board. 

And playing in the lockers after lessons. 

We went and took daddy lunch at work since he had just gotten home from his trip that morning. 

Hubs and I sat on the couch and it didn't take long for the kids to join us. 

After spending the entire week unpacking and not going many places I took the kids to the children's museum since the weather wasn't great. There would have to definitely be two of me if I had two of either of my kids. 

Oak helping Mac reach the pedals. 

Saturday morning hubs let me sleep in and I came down to him making a pancake breakfast. He decided it was better to do this on Saturday morning instead of Sunday since we have 9 am church. It was wonderful. 

In the afternoon we headed to the Temple and hour away. It was our ward temple trip. A couple from our ward watched all the kids at the stake center that is in the same parking lot. And then after the session we had a bake potato pot luck at the pavillion on the property. It was so much fun and a memory I hope my kids always remember. Also it snowed hard all the way to the temple and by the time we got there it was beautiful and sunny. And stayed that way!

Eating dinner in the grass with the Temple right behind them. 

The drive home was absolutely beautiful!

It was a good week!

1 comment:

Desiree said...

What a cool temple trip! I love that they watched the kids so close. I love reading about all the things you guys do.