Thursday, November 1, 2012

October in pictures

Our little town had a fall festival and we decided to check it out. 
It was just a bunch of booths and then a few little things for the kids like miniature gold and the blow up bouncy castle. 

Friday fun day at the playground.

The kids dancing around in their costumes to spooky Halloween music.

A close friend of ours who works at the fire department brought one of the fire trucks to our house so the neighborhood kids could play on it. 

Mac wanted to do a puppet show and had to make a sign. The name of the show was the names of all the puppet animals we have. I helped him sound out all the names.

The show was very adorable and made me laugh. He has quite the comedic nature.

Making burritos is something we do sometimes when we are trying to waste some time before bed. Daddy is always a better burrito maker than me. He was always better at swaddling our babies than me too.

We for sure couldn't leave Bear out of the burrito making.

Them actually have fun with each other instead of being mean to each other.

This picture cracks me up! This is Oak actually pulling her brother while running. She is a strong little girl!

Oak has been begging to go to a football game (she LOVES sports and watching sports) and so we took her to our local high school football game.

Mac swallowed a small polished stone so we took him in to see make sure it was going through his system okay.

The picture isn't great, but you can see the is the little oval on the right, middle of the xray.
Thankfully it had passed through all the major spots that it could get stuck so that I didn't have to dig through anything.

When my sister Dana was here this summer she brought some of her favorite clothes that she has saved from  my niece. I put this on her one Sunday realizing it would fit her now, even though it is a 4T. She was so adorable in it. I love the school girl look!

Mac and his Wild Things friends at Preschool. So cute!

Oaks favorite thing to play lately is blocks. And she is actually pretty good at it. And the funny thing is how meticulous she is about her block placement. She makes all sorts of buildings she dubs as museums, Temples,  houses and more that I can't think of at the moment. I was super impressed with this tall tower she made and just how straight and perfect it is. 

So her little circles have morphed in to circles with lines and then now she is adding more circles inside. Not sure if she thinks they are eyes or not though. But one of my favorite things about being a mom is seeing my children's drawings morph into more and more detail as time goes by. I find it so fascinating and love the little peak into their little brains.

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