Wednesday, November 21, 2012

giving thanks...

I have so much to be thankful for.
Especially this year!

I am pretty sure a list won't fully cover it all.
But it is a start...

I am thankful, grateful and blessed...

...for my health.
I had a serious health scare this year and although I feel like I was good at holding back the fear until there was actually something to worry about, it was terrifying. I am grateful it turned out to be nothing serious.

...for my little family.
they are my life, my world and my every breath is for them.

...for my husband.
he works so hard to make sure we are taken care of. he has to balance so much in his life and he does it for our little family. I would not change my life with him for anything.

...for my parents.
my dad has been in the hospital and it has been scary to see his health decline and to actually think about the fact that I won't always have my parents with me on earth.

...for my extended family.
I love living so close to my husbands family, they are a pretty amazing family. and it has been an amazing getting to see so much of my family this year.

...for adoption.
this path has made my life more beautiful than I could have ever imagined for myself. because of this miracle I am a mother.

...for our amazing birth families.
I sometimes have to pinch myself with how enriched my life is to know these special people. their sacrifice is my joy. and to love them and my babies is the only way to thank them enough. because of them I am a mother.

...for the gospel.
without it I would be in a very deep, dark place. because of the gospel I can find joy in my sorrows.

...for my Heavenly Father.
I have no doubt he has gifted me my life. that he knows and loves me in every way possible. that his hand has guided me through so many things.

...for my Savior.
he has done everything for ME.

...for the Temple.
I get my family FOREVER. I want nothing less for the family I have worked so hard for and I want nothing less for my children.

...for my needs met.
I have a beautiful, warm home, food in my pantry, a car to get around, insurance to help cover medical costs, opportunities to make wonderful memories with my family. No one needs any more than that to make them happier. 

...for a new day.
to wake up every morning and be alive, to be able to live my life. to be able to start new every day and try to be a better, person, wife, mother, daughter, sister and friend.

...for tender mercies and answered prayers.
they are real! I am living proof! I am reminded everyday of these in my life and could not be more grateful.


Desiree said...

This is beautiful. Happy Thanksgiving!!

hope2adoptbaby said...

Love this. Happy Thanksgiving!