Thursday, November 15, 2012

cute and funny...

It has been awhile it seems since I have done a funnies post. I haven't been that great at keeping track of all the funny things my kids do and say, but let me tell you there is no shortage in our house. Love my babies!!

Mac:  My parents are needing some help with some things and my mom was being stubborn about me helping her so I was firmly scolding her about it. And Mac breaks into the conversation saying, "Don't talk to her like that, you are not Grandma's Mom!" My mom and I were hysterical, lol!

Oak: we were walking down a large, long, empty hall at the hospital. Mac was running ahead of us and Oak was right next to me yelling "Mac walk please! Mac walk PLEASE!" Then a man was walking toward us and Oak says politely to him "Excuse me sir." as she walks by him.

Oak: She takes something off my dresser and looks at me and says, "I am taking this...don't say no!" Love her!

Mac: We were talking to him about how awesome it is that he has a mom AND a birth mom. And he says, "Do you know what else is awesome about me?...I have red hair!" ...DEFINITELY!!

Mac: He wrote out his name and then put a dot at the end..."Mom, look Mac dot com!"

Oak: "Mama, you are beautiful!!"
Me: "Thank you Oak, you are so beautiful too!"
Oak: "You are pretty cute."
Me: Thank you, I think you are pretty cute too."
Oak: "Mama, you are AWESOME!!"
Me: "Wow! Thank you Oak! I think YOU are so awesome!"
Oak: "I so proud of you Mama!"
Me: "I am so proud of you big girl!"

Oak: I was giving Mac my normal little pep talk as he was leaving for Preschool, "Be a good listener, follow directions, be a good friend and be a good example." Oak on her own adds in, "Don't say the S word at Preschool." (The S word in our house is the word stupid). 

Mac: He will randomly ask questions about us adopting another baby and it is just too sweet. Today he asked me when we get another baby if he can hold it. I told him yes and he said, "You mean our baby will be small enough for me to hold?!" He was so excited! He also has announced that we will name our next baby Junior Asparagus

McCoy: He was told to eat three bites of his dinner before he could be done. He says, "If I liked it, I would eat the whole thing!" I guess he has a point... 

1 comment:

jessica said...

They are too cute! Can't wait to give them lots of loves starting Sunday!!